Alyssa's Enviornmental Science Mind map

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Alyssa's Enviornmental Science Mind map por Mind Map: Alyssa's Enviornmental Science Mind map

1. Ecological Succession

1.1. Primary Succession

1.2. Secondary Succession

1.3. Pioneer species (beginning)

1.4. Climax community (end of succession)

2. Biomes

2.1. Rainforest

2.2. Temperate deciduous forest

2.3. Coniferous forest

2.4. Desert

2.5. Tundra

2.6. Marine Biome

2.7. Freshwater Biome

2.8. Grassland/ Savannah

2.9. Alpine

2.10. Tagia

2.11. Ecosystem

2.11.1. Organism

2.11.2. Biotic factor Fish Branch

2.11.3. Aboitic factor Rock temperature

2.11.4. Population

2.11.5. Community

2.11.6. Habitat

2.11.7. Niche

3. Population Growth Rate

3.1. J Curve

3.1.1. Exponential growth

3.2. S Curve

4. Population Growth

4.1. Limiting factors

4.2. Carrying capacity

5. Food wed/food chain/Tropic Level

5.1. Producer

5.2. Primary consumer

5.3. Secondary consumer

5.4. Tertiary consumer

5.5. Decomposer

6. Biodiversity

6.1. Variety of organisms in a geographic area

6.1.1. Hotspots

6.2. Genetic biodiversity

6.3. Species biodiversity

6.4. Ecosystem biodiversity

7. Species

7.1. Endangered

7.2. Threatened

7.3. Indicator

8. Water polution

8.1. Point source pollution

8.2. Non-point sourcepollution

8.3. Runoff

8.4. Erosion

8.5. Organic

8.6. Inorganic

9. Water purification

9.1. Natural Resources

9.2. Nonrenewable resources

9.3. Renewable resources

9.4. Sustainability