Environmental science

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Environmental science by Mind Map: Environmental science

1. Biomes

1.1. rainforest

1.2. temerate deciiduous forest

1.3. coniferous forest

1.4. desert

1.5. tundra

1.6. freshwater

1.7. marine

1.8. grassland/svannah

1.9. an area where organsism live with different ecosystems (climate, location)

1.10. mice and chipmunks living in a field with trees and grass

1.11. 5

2. food chain

2.1. food chain

2.2. New node

3. biotic and abiotic factors

3.1. Biotic- a living or once living organism

3.1.1. paper pig tree

3.2. Abiotic- a non-living organism

3.2.1. clock cloud

4. organism

4.1. a living being

4.2. mouse

4.3. 1

5. ecosystem

5.1. an area in which different organisms live

5.2. mouse and chipmunks living in a filed

5.3. 4

6. population

6.1. a goup of the same organism living together

6.2. a bunch of mice

6.3. 2

7. community

7.1. different organisms co-existing

7.2. mice and chipmunks

7.3. 3

8. ecological succesion

9. J-curve

9.1. it shows the growth of population

9.2. Population Growth rate

9.2.1. the speed at which the population growth over a certain amount of time

10. S-curve

10.1. it show the growth of popuation

10.2. Population growth

10.2.1. the change in population over time

11. Ecological succession

11.1. Primary succession

11.1.1. when a piece of land grows vegetation but has never had any life on it before ex: a volcano erupts and creates a new island

11.2. ex of ecological succession

11.3. Secondary succession

11.3.1. when a piece of land grow vegetation after it was once destoid ex: a fire wipes out all living things but eventualy grows back

12. Pioneer species

12.1. they are the first species to start on a new land or area to live

13. climax community

13.1. when the vegetation eventualy reaches a steady rate

13.2. limiting factors

13.2.1. something that controls the growth of organisms Ex- space,disease,ect.

13.3. Carrying capacity

13.3.1. when a place has so many people/organisms that the space and resources cant support them

14. desalination

14.1. the remove of excess salt or other unwanted substances from water

15. erosion

15.1. a gravity driven process that moves sediments (ect.)

16. wetlands

16.1. examples: bog, marsh, or swamp

16.1.1. New node

17. food web

17.1. producer

17.1.1. trees

17.2. secondary consumer

17.2.1. turtle, crawfish

17.3. tertiary consumer

17.3.1. fox

17.4. decomposer

17.4.1. bacteria

17.5. trophic levels

17.5.1. seperate the levels of 1.producers2.primary consumers3. secondary consumers4.tertiary consumers

17.6. primary consumer

17.7. food web

17.8. arrows show the energy flow

18. Biodiversity

18.1. The variety of organisms in a geographic area

18.2. Genetic Bodiversity

18.3. species biodiversity

18.4. Problem: humans are killing organisms faster then they can reproduce

18.5. Ecosystem biodiversity

18.6. Hot spot

18.7. endangered species

18.7.1. in danger of extinction thoughout most of the area or all of the area it inhabits

18.8. threatened species

18.8.1. is likely to become endangered int the near future

18.9. Indicator species

18.9.1. New node

19. runoff

19.1. A water flow that goes down the storm drain colecting excess soil, debris, and all kinds of litter ect.

20. water polution

20.1. causes-sewer discharge, poorly managed livestock, detergents, petroleum products ect.

21. aquifier

21.1. a water purifier

22. water purification

22.1. the process of removing unwanted substances from raw water

23. watershed

23.1. it seperates the drainage system stuff

24. Impermeable

24.1. a serfice that water cant go through. such as cement, in a parking lot ect.