Erin Enviormental Science Vocab!!!!

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Erin Enviormental Science Vocab!!!! by Mind Map: Erin  Enviormental Science Vocab!!!!

1. Population!!!

1.1. Carrying capacity

1.2. Limiting factors

1.3. Hot spots

2. Food Web!!!

3. Organism!!!

4. Communtity!!!

4.1. animals in the ocean

4.2. Tundra

4.3. grasslands

4.4. Climax community

5. J-curve & S-curve!!!

6. Population Growth!!!

6.1. Exponential growth

6.2. Population growth rate

7. Species!!!

7.1. Indicator species

7.2. Threatened species

7.3. Endangered species

7.4. Pioneer species

8. Resources!!!

8.1. Nonrenewable resource

8.2. Renewable resource

8.3. Natural resources

9. Wetlands!!!

9.1. Erosion

9.2. Watershed

10. Urbanization!!!

11. Impermeable!!!

12. Biome!!!

12.1. Temperate deciduous forest

12.2. Coniferous forest

12.3. Desert

12.4. Tundra

12.5. Freshwater biome

12.6. Marine Biome

12.7. Grassland/Savannah

13. Factors!!!

13.1. Biotic

13.2. Abiotic

14. Food Chain!!!

15. Trpohic levels!!!

15.1. Primary Consumer 10%

15.2. Secondary consumer 1%

15.3. Tertiary Consumer .1%

15.4. Decpmposer (left overs)

15.5. Producer

16. Biodiversity!!!

16.1. Ecosystem biodiversity

16.2. Species biodiversity

16.3. Genetic biodiversity

17. Ecosystem!!!

18. Pollution!!!

18.1. Water Pollution

18.2. Inorganic pollutant

18.3. Organic pollutant

18.4. Runoff

18.5. Non-point source

18.6. Point source

19. Purification!!!

19.1. Water Purification

19.2. Aquifer

20. Impermeable!!!

21. Desalination !!!