SU Career Discovery Day Total Time - 36 Hours 45 mins Total cost - $1,595.50

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SU Career Discovery Day Total Time - 36 Hours 45 mins Total cost - $1,595.50 by Mind Map: SU Career Discovery Day Total Time - 36 Hours 45 mins        Total cost - $1,595.50

1. Venue (Malik- $30/ 1 hour)

1.1. Discuss venue size and location (Malik - $10/ 20 minutes) *

1.2. Ensure enough tables and chairs are in storage (Malik - $7.50/ 15 minutes)*

1.3. Set up tables and chairs (Malik and Yuna - $12.50/ 25 minutes)*

2. Food/Refreshments Station (Yuna- $27.50/ 55 minutes) Add on $278 catering price

2.1. Discuss food options/refreshment station (Yuna - $10/ 20 minutes) *

2.2. Set up a food/refreshment table (Yuna - $2.50/ 5 minutes)*

2.3. Look for/ hire Caterer and wait staff (Chickfila catering plan - Large chicken nugget tray $139) (Yuna- $15/ 30 minutes) *

3. Decorations (Taylor- $70/ 2 hours 20 minutes, $200 decorations)

3.1. Discuss Decorations for event, table cloths, centerpieces, etc. (Taylor- $10/ 20 minutes, $200 of decorations) *

3.2. Purchase Decorations (Taylor- $30/ 1 hr) *

3.3. Set up decorations (Taylor and Amir- $30/ 1 hr)*

4. Employers (Amir- $75/ 2 hour 30 minutes)

4.1. Search for local employers or speakers to hold tables at the event (Amir- $60/ 2 hr)*

4.2. Ensure a final headcount for visiting employers (Amir- $15/ 30 minutes)*

5. Check In Station (Malik- $225/ 7 hrs 30 minutes)

5.1. Set up a check In station at the doors (Malik- $10/ 30 minutes)*

5.2. Staff the station during the event to gain information on amount of guests and reviews guests had (Malik- $210/ 7 hrs)*

5.3. Record data to better prepare for future events such as this one (Yuna- $210/ 7 hrs)*

6. Itinerary (Amir- $45/ 1 hour 30 minutes)

6.1. Discuss an Itinerary of the day with Salisbury University (Amir- $15/ 30 minutes) *

6.2. Ensure the venue room Is booked for the proper amount of time (Amir- $5/ 10 minutes) *

6.3. Plan a time for catering to come and set up (Amir- $10/ 20 minutes) *

6.4. Set a time for employers to be able to come In and set up (Amir- $5/ 10 minutes) *

6.5. Set a start time for doors to open and students to come in (Amir- $5/ 10 minutes) *

6.6. Once event Is over, set a time to clean up the event and catering (Amir- $5/ 10 minutes) *

7. Workshops & Panels (Taylor- $75/ 2 hour 30 minutes)

7.1. Identify topics and themes for workshops (Taylor- $15/ 30 minutes)*

7.2. Coordinate schedules with speakers and panelists (Taylor- $15/ 30 minutes)*

7.3. Prepare materials (handouts, projectors) for presentations (Taylor- $30/ 1 hr)*

7.4. Assign moderators for workshops or panels (Taylor- $15/ 30 minutes)*

8. Volunteer Coordination (Yuna- $105/ 2 hours 30 minutes)

8.1. Recruit volunteers for setup, taredown, and event operations (Yuna- $30/ 1hr)*

8.2. Train volunteers and assign specific roles (Yuna and Amir- $60/ 1 hr)*

8.3. Develop a detailed schedule for volunteer shifts (Yuna- $15/ 30 minutes)*

9. Sponsorship & Partnerships (Amir- $120/ 4 hours)

9.1. Identify potential sponsorships/partnerships (Amir- $30/ 1hr)*

9.2. Prepare sponsorship packages with promotional benefits (Amir- $30/ 1 hr)*

9.3. Reach out to local businesses and organizations for sponsorship (Amir- $30/ 1 hr)*

9.4. Secure sponsorship commitments and collect materials (logos, banners) (Amir- $30/ 1 hr)*

10. Transportation & Parking (Malik- $90/ 3 hours)

10.1. Coordinate with campus facilities for parking arrangements (Malik- $15/ 30 minutes)*

10.2. Reserve spaces for guest speakers and employers (Malik- $30/ 1 hr)*

10.3. Provide clear directions for attendees via email and social media (Malik- $15/ 30 minutes)*

10.4. Arrange transportation for off-campus participants as needed (Malik- $30/ 1 hr)*

11. Post Event Cleanup (Taylor - $150/ 5 Hours)

11.1. Coordinate with campus facilities for waste disposal and recycling (Taylor - $30/ 1 hr)*

11.2. Return rented equipment and materials to vendors (Taylor - $60/ 2 hr)*

11.3. Conduct a post-cleanup inspection to ensure the venue is restored to its original condition (Taylor - $60/ 2 hr)

12. Risk Managment & Contingency Plans (Amir - $120/ 4 Hours)

12.1. Risk matrix identifying potential challenges (Amir - $60/ 2 hr)*

12.2. Backup plans for technical issues and no-show speakers (Amir - $30/ 1 hr)*

12.3. Emergency contact list and protocols (Amir- $30/ 1 hr)*