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Organelles by Mind Map: Organelles

1. Cell Membrane

1.1. Phospholipid bilayer, where each lipid has hydrophillic heads

1.2. Proteins help cross the membrane

1.3. Selectively permeable to protect from bacteria

1.4. Is found in both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells

2. Cytoplasm

2.1. Jelly-like substance

2.2. Provides structure to the cell

2.3. Hold all other organelles

2.4. Is found in both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells

3. Ribosomes

3.1. Produce chains of amino acids which are crucial for cell functions

3.2. Can be attached to some "rough" ER

4. ER

4.1. Can have ribosomes attached, in which case it is "rough" and produces and dispatches protein

4.2. Since ribosomes can also be free in the cytoplasm, the main purposes of ER are of smooth ER

4.3. Smooth ER produces and dispatches certain kinds of lipids, critical for cell functions

5. Nucleus

5.1. The control center of the cell

5.2. Contains chromosones that control the appearance and traits of the cell

5.3. Though both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells have chromosones/DNA, only eucaryotic cells have nucleii

6. Golgi Apparatus

6.1. Packages, sorts and stores materials

6.2. Can send objects for removal from the cell

7. Mitochondira

7.1. Uses glucose to create energy for the cell

7.2. Is often called 'the powerhouse of the cell'

8. Lysomes

8.1. Suicide bags of the cell

8.2. They contain digestive enzymes to remove food waste in the cell

8.3. The digestive enzymes also destroy infected organelles