1. Day 1
1.1. Care of planet
1.1.1. Doing no further harm Human activity has damaged the environment irreparably Our physical actions and choices and greed have led to climate change, poverty knowing our place as humans: being aware of the heavens, the space around us (our environment) and the ground beneath our feet (the unseen)
1.1.2. Undoing the damage (Restoration) OUr christina response: Advocating for nature Reducing waste where possible e.g. refusing plastic bags Caring for our animals stoppng pollution- throwing chemicals, burning plastics
1.1.3. Returning to Eden Proverbs 31:8 The great commission Col 1 v15 15The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. And that are in earth - **All the animals, plants, minerals, waters, hidden fires, etc. Everything which the earth contains.** Visible and invisible - We see but a small part of the universe. The angels we cannot see. The inhabitants of distant worlds we cannot see. Nay, there are multitudes of worlds which, even with the best instruments, we cannot see. Yet all these things are said to have been created by Christ.
1.2. Care of People
1.2.1. Love your neighbour Humility- Considier others better Compassion- Weep with those who weep, rejoice with those who rejoice Forgiveness
1.2.2. Feeding ourselves and future generations Planning for the 7th generation- abundance, surplus Fairness to all in our community
1.2.3. Doing no harm Our actions have an effect on those around us Our actions are being watched by our peers and our children (future generation) Our traditional beleifs and practices may be causing harm to people and the earth
1.3. Return of Surplus
1.3.1. You must plan for surplus Everything we do should be productive. There are always ways to increase efficiency, reduce waste, add value. Sustainability = profit
1.3.2. Living within your means If you cannot feed or support 5 cattle, 5 children, 5 chickens do not add more. Too much burden on your resourses (finances, time, health) leads to poverty
1.3.3. Being abundantly generous Our greatest aim is to be generous, with our time, money, posessions (Acts). If we are efficient then we have more time for the gospel. more time to love others. If we are selfish, this leads to figting, arguing, divorce, hatred of our neighbours, the opposite of Loving our neighbours
2. Day 2
2.1. Observe: Patterns
2.1.1. Edges
2.1.2. Cycles
2.2. Orientate yourself
2.2.1. Patterns in the sky Weather Sun wind rain moon
2.2.2. under your feet The soil Humus compost mulch Organic matter
2.2.3. Around us Trees Different types of trees Forest Layers: Agroforestry Water Uses of water controlling water: moving water is very powerful and very dangerous Slow, Spread sink
2.3. Making a home
2.3.1. Zones •Zone 0 - The home or house which can include an attached greenhouse, shadehouse, trellis, passive solar, etc. Seeds can be saved indoors, fungi can be prepared and grown, and numerous other regenerative plans and actions occur in the home. •Zone 1 - The immediate area around the home is ideal for elements that need continuous observation like tree nurseries, greenhouses, vermicompost, kitchen and herb gardens, edible and medicinal mushroom patches and logs, and quiet animals like rabbits. Other common elements: rainwater catchment, trellis, graywater systems, and greenhouses. This is an area you pass or visit daily and can spend time daily working in. This is also the area that usually has the longest growing season, being warmed by the house and closely attended. •Zone 2 - This area is less intensive and less visited than Z1. It includes small domestic stock, orchards, food forests, small pastures, broadacre crops, and animals shelters that connect to Z1 ideally. This area is visited every other day or just briefly once a day though it can occupy longer periods of time routinely as well. •Zone 3 - This is often a place of seasonal, annual, or monthly work, and it usually requires animals or machines to manage. It includes broadacre crops, larger animals, larger pastures, natural or low maintenance trees, large water storages, barns, feed-storage, windbreak, and hedgerow. •Zone 4 - This the wildest of the managed areas in the system; it borders the wilderness. It includes: timber, the largest pastures, firewood, native and non-native hardy trees, and large water storages. This is an area that is visited seasonally for specific tasks and lightly interacted with. •Zone 5 - The unmanaged or least-managed zone, Z5 is wilderness for hunting, timber, foraging, wild fungi, and observation. Leave it alone as much as possible unless using Silviculture to increase ecosystem vigor and prevent wildfires.
2.3.2. Applying the rules orientation location
2.3.3. Improving a current situation
2.4. Planning your shamba
2.4.1. Do not Till
2.4.2. Cover the soil
2.4.3. Crop rotation
2.4.4. Agroforestry
2.5. Ethics
2.5.1. You choose your leaders by voting
2.5.2. Working together is more efficient
2.5.3. Working together you have a louder voice
2.5.4. Working together you can make big changes e.g. if you decide as a community you want to stop the burning of plastic, you can work together with the shop keepers and bar owners to collect all waste and then arrange for a lorry to take it to the out of town dump.