Concept Map - Humanities


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Concept Map - Humanities by Mind Map: Concept Map - Humanities

1. America

2. American Dream

3. American History

4. Assassination

5. Ayatollah Khomeini

6. Bad guy

7. Black Nationalism

8. Civil Rights

9. Elijah Muhammad

10. Ernest

11. Fiction

12. Good Guy

13. In Cold Blood

14. Iran

15. Islam

16. Killers of The Flower Moon

17. Malcolm X

18. Marjane Satrapi

19. Martin Luther King

20. Memoir

21. Memory

22. Metaphor

23. Mollie

24. Narrative

25. Nation of Islam

26. Nonfiction

27. Perry Smith

28. Persepolis

29. Political Islam

30. Poverty

31. Prison

32. Propaganda

33. Revolution

34. Rural Poor

35. Shah

36. Small Town

37. Spike Lee

38. Stereotype

39. Truman Capote

40. Truth

41. Values

42. Western

43. Westernized elite

44. Made by: Nicolas Beachemin, Ksenia Bernic, Stella José, Léna Nyiribakwe, Roman Paquette-Horrell

45. Note for teacher: If boxes of text are not loading, double tap anywhere which is close enough to them