MoMo Product Analytics Sharing

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MoMo Product Analytics Sharing by Mind Map: MoMo Product Analytics Sharing

1. Overview about Product Analytics

1.1. What is Product Analytics?

1.1.1. Definition

1.1.2. Branches of Product Analytics UI/UX Improvement Users journey analysis AB test Feature Performance Product Health Others

1.2. Why it is relevant to your work (as an DA/BUs)?

1.2.1. Understanding Product Flow

1.2.2. Link day to day analysis with the developmenent of product

1.2.3. Make effective analysis with product analytics framework

1.3. Supper App & Mini App Introduction

2. Product Analytics case study at MoMo & Lesson learnt

2.1. Problem/context

2.2. Approach (metrics, dimension,framework)

2.3. Outcome & lesson learnt

3. Product Analytics outside of MoMo case study

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Approach

3.3. Application at MoMo (if any)