technology and humanity

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technology and humanity by Mind Map: technology and humanity

1. the relationship between technology and humanity

1.1. technology is create by human

1.2. technology as becoming human need

1.3. technology has change our lifestyle

1.4. technology has change our life way

2. chalenge of technology

2.1. data security

2.2. social media

2.3. infrastructure change

2.4. mobile payment

3. example

3.1. smartphone

3.2. artificial inteligence

3.3. computer

4. defenition

4.1. technology

4.2. humanity

5. advantages of technology

5.1. communication

5.2. efficiency

5.3. access to information

5.4. learning

6. disadvantages of technology

6.1. addiction

6.2. laziness

6.3. pornography

6.4. mental health