LLCE mind map
1. 4- Concluding phrases
1.1. Synthesizing the aforementioned arguments, we can incontrovertibly deduce...
1.2. Taking everything into account, we can conclude that...
1.3. Bringing all our insights together, we can see that...
2. 3- Highlighting key points
2.1. Of paramount significance is the profound implication that...
2.2. The pivotal consideration which crystallizes our understanding is...
2.3. At the very crux of this matter lies the incontrovertible fact that...
2.4. The central idea that emerges is...
3. 1- Introductory phrases
3.1. It is imperative to consider the fundamental premise that...
3.2. At the heart of this discussion is...
3.3. Fundamental to our exploration is the notion that...
3.4. To set the context, it's important to understand that...
4. 2- Connecting ideas
4.1. Intrinsically linked to this concept is the parallel notion that...
4.2. Correlatively, this perspective illuminates...
4.3. Moreover, this suggests that...
4.4. Building on this thought, we can see that...