Orthopedic Unit (facility that treats conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system)

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Orthopedic Unit (facility that treats conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system) by Mind Map: Orthopedic Unit   (facility that treats conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system)

1. 6. Patient Record

1.1. Reports: Includes surgical notes, rehab progress, and imaging like X-rays and MRIs.

1.2. Documentation: Electronic systems ensure secure and accessible record-keeping.

2. 7. Admission, Transfer, and Discharge

2.1. Admission: Handles elective surgeries and emergency cases.

2.2. Discharge: Patients receive pain management prescriptions and follow-up care plans.

3. 8. Confidentiality and Health Information Management (HIM)

3.1. Outside Providers: Coordinates with rehab centers and outpatient clinics.

3.2. Privacy: Ensures secure record transfer compliant with privacy regulations.

4. References

4.1. Langenhorst, T., et al. (2016). Involvement of the multidisciplinary team and outcomes in inpatient rehabilitation among patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.

4.2. The Roles of the Interdisciplinary Rheumatology Team in Patient Care Highlighted. The Rheumatologist.

4.3. Organimi. (n.d.). Hospital Organizational Structure – How It Works & Examples

4.4. Healthgrades. (n.d.). Orthopedic Conditions, Diseases and Injuries. Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO. (n.d.). Safe Staffing: Critical for Patients and Nurses.

4.5. Becker's Hospital Review. (n.d.). Hospital Nurse Shift Patterns and Collaboration—Strategies for Improvement.

4.6. CT Spine & Orthopedic. (n.d.). Comparing Spine Surgeon Earnings Across Different Regions.

4.7. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. (n.d.). Management of Common Postoperative Complications.

4.8. American Hospital Association. (n.d.). Preventing Patient Falls.

4.9. Wikipedia. (n.d.). Hospital Emergency Codes.

4.10. Dialog Health. (n.d.). Communication Barriers in Healthcare and How to Overcome Them.

4.11. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). (n.d.). Assistive Devices for People with Hearing, Voice, Speech, or Language Disorders.

4.12. HCBS Provider. (n.d.). 12 Apps That Help People with Speech and Communication.

4.13. HealthRay. (n.d.). Electronic Health Records in Hospitals: Transforming Healthcare.

4.14. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). (n.d.). Documentation Integrity in Electronic Health Records.

4.15. BMC Health Services Research. (n.d.). Implementing Electronic Health Records in Hospitals: A Systematic Literature Review

4.16. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). A Patient’s Guide to Total Joint Replacement and Complete Care.

4.17. JAMA Network. (n.d.). Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Guidelines and Hospital Length of Stay, Readmission, Complications, and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials

5. 1. Health Care Professionals

5.1. MRP: Orthopedic surgeons manage surgeries and treatments; consulting physicians like rheumatologists handle specialized cases.

5.2. Nursing Staff: RNs and LPNs assist in post-operative care, wound management, and patient education.

5.3. Allied Health Care Workers: Physical therapists focus on mobility recovery, while occupational therapists assist with daily activity adaptation.

6. 2. Organization of the Orthopedic Unit

6.1. Identification: Focuses on musculoskeletal injuries, fractures, and joint replacements.

6.2. Purpose: Treats conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and spinal deformities.

6.3. Structure: Includes unit managers, shift leaders, and multidisciplinary care teams.

7. 3. Staffing and Scheduling

7.1. Staffing Pattern: Operates 24/7 with rotating shifts.

7.2. Ratios: Day shifts typically have 1 RN for every 4–5 patients.

7.3. Coverage: Emergency cases covered by on-call surgeons and therapists.

8. 4. Risk Management

8.1. Specific Risks: Includes post-operative infections, DVT, and patient falls.

8.2. Hospital Codes: Code Blue for cardiac arrest and Code White for violent incidents.

9. 5. Communication

9.1. Challenges: Language barriers and patient immobility may hinder effective communication.

9.2. Devices: Call bells and visual communication boards assist in patient-staff interactions