Career Discovery Day

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Career Discovery Day by Mind Map: Career Discovery Day

1. Marketing Solutions (Malik - 8 hours, 50 mins) ($275)

1.1. Email lists (Amir - 3 hours) ($90)

1.1.1. Send out e-flyer to potential employers and attendees (Amir - 1 hour) ($30)

1.1.2. Gather list of emails (Amir - 2 hours) $60)

1.2. Social media (Taylor - 20 mins) ($10)

1.2.1. Post e-flyer on Instagram, X, and FaceBook (Taylor - 20 mins) ($10)

1.3. E-flyer (Yuna - 1 hour) ($30)

1.3.1. Design e-flyer with necesarry event information (Yuna - 1 hour) ($30)

1.4. PSA flyer (Malik - 4 hours 30 min) ($145)

1.4.1. Post flyers around campus and the local community (Malik - 3 hours, 30 mins) ($100)

1.4.2. Make copies (Yuna - 30 mins) ($15)

1.4.3. Design hard-copy flyer with necessary event information (Yuna - 1 hour) ($30)

2. Tables & Chairs (Amir - 30 mins) ($15)

2.1. Contact SU to borrow tables and chairs for the event (Amir - 30 mins) ($15)

2.2. Setup tables and chairs in the reserved space, including the check-in station/table (Malik, Yuna, Taylor, Amir - 1 hour) ($120)

3. Check-in Station (Taylor - 1 hour, 20 mins) ($40)

3.1. Nametags (Malik - 40 mins) ($20)

3.1.1. Layout nametags and sharpies for employers and attendees (Malik - 10 mins) ($5)

3.1.2. Purchase nametags and sharpies from Office Depot, prior to the event (Malik - 30 mins) ($15)

4. Attendees (Yuna - 4 hours, 30 mins) ($754)

4.1. Follow-up with attendees for attendance confirmation (Taylor - 30 mins) ($15)

4.2. Gather and create a list of names for those attending (Amir - 1 hr) ($15)

4.3. Research methods for how to best influence SU students, faculty, alumni, and the local community (Yuna - 3 hours) ($30)

5. Employers (Yuna - 1 hour, 30 mins) ($75)

5.1. Follow-up with employers for attendance confirmation (Taylor - 30 mins) ($15)

5.2. Create a list of potential employers (Malik - 30 mins) ($15)

5.3. Relay message to all employees (Amir - 30 minutes)($15)

6. Budget (Amir - 1 hour) ($30)

6.1. Planning with Client (Amir - 1 hour) ($30)

6.1.1. Meet with client to revise/confirm cost estimates (Amir - 30 mins) ($15)

6.1.2. Create estimates based on project attributes (Amir - 30 mins) ($15)

7. Refreshments (Taylor - 1 hour, 30 mins) ($210)

7.1. Donut holes & coffee (Taylor - 30 mins) ($105)

7.1.1. Pickup order from Dunkin Donuts (Taylor - 1 hr) ($15)

7.1.2. Schedule a mobile order with Dunkin Donuts for donut holes & coffee, for 9am on 02/22/2025 (Taylor - 15 mins) ($90)

7.2. Chips & water bottles (Taylor - 1 hour) ($125)

7.2.1. Prior to the event, pickup bulk quanties of snack-pack chips, paperware and water bottles from Sams Club (Taylor - 1 hour) ($105)

7.2.2. Layout refreshments, food and paperware for employers and attendees (Taylor - 10 mins) ($5)

8. Staff (Malik - 1 hour) ($80)

8.1. Hire Malik, Yuna, Taylor, and Amir to run/monitor the event all day (Malik - 1 hour) ($80)

9. Logistics (Amir - 2 hours, 50 mins) ($625)

9.1. Date (Malik - 1.10 hours) ($35)

9.1.1. Schedule the event for Saturday, 02/22/2025 (Malik - 30 mins) ($5)

9.1.2. Meet with clients to discuss scope of event (Malik - 1 hour) ($30)

9.2. Location (Yuna - 1.40 hours) ($590)

9.2.1. Reserve large room in GSU from 10am-6pm for Saturday, 02/22/2025 (Yuna - 10 mins) ($455)

9.2.2. Call SU Career Services to discuss rates and reservations (Yuna - 30 mins) ($15)

9.2.3. Prepare for the arrival of attendees (All - 15 minutes) ($80)

10. Total Time: 23 hours

11. Total Cost: $1,425