1. Concept 7
1.1. Patient Admiting process
1.1.1. Emergency admission- As the name suggest the admission through the emergecny department will be due to some medical emergencies such as respiratory failure,chest trauma or any other chronic conditions.
1.1.2. Elective Admission - This type of admission include the admisson for the preplanned procedures such surgeries etc. Patient here is admitted based on the prior consultation with the physician or the pulmonologist.
1.2. Lenght of stay
1.2.1. The lenght of stay may differ according to the condition of the patient but the typical amount of it is 7-14 days.
1.3. Supports after or upon discharge
1.3.1. Oxygen Therapy - Some times if necessary patients are provided with home oxygen therapy and equipemnt related to it.
1.3.2. Physical Therapy - In some cases Physical therapay is given to patients to help them in rehablitation and also to improve there lung functions etc.
1.3.3. Nutritional Support - Dietitian may reccomend patients with some diet plans to improve there nutrition and also to help in managing there weight during or after the illness.
1.4. Development
2. Concept 5
2.1. Communication challege
2.1.1. Patient Impairment- Generally the patients with the extereme repiratory conditions may experience difficulty or are generally unable to speak which make it hard to communicate. And this difficulty may lead to some challenges like being unable to assess the pain levels and the symptoms of the patient.
2.1.2. Complex Multidisciplinary Coordination- This challenge may arise in the chest care unit because there is a very large team to begin with including Pulmonologist, nurses, physicians and surgeons and also NPs etc. So maintaining the clear and timed communication in this diverse set of team may be a bit difficult. This may be tackeled by applying effective communication protocols.
2.2. Communication Device
2.2.1. Patient communication board - This is a device which is very helpful to the patients which are unable to speak due to any health condition. This board have different letters words or pictures which patient may point to,to bridge the communication gap.
3. Concept 6
3.1. Operative Report - This document includes the details about the surgries that are performed which includes the procedure and surgical findings and all the complicatons also the outcome.
3.2. Progress notes - Those are written to track the daily updates on the condition of the patient. This may include the signs of vitality as well as treatment responses and also the interventions and the assessments.
3.3. Radiology Report - This may include the imaging studies and their findings such as Chest X-rays, CT scans and MRIs. It is mainly used to detect all the abnormalities such as tumnors, infections , etc.
4. Concept 2
4.1. ID of Department- It falls under the specialised care unit which focuses on the conditions realted to chest and the related organs.
4.2. The thoracic department would include 2 special areas
4.2.1. Cardiothoracic Surgery- This department mainly focuses on the surgeries of the organs such as heart and lungs.
4.2.2. Pulmonary medicine- This are handles the diseases such as asthma and pneumonia by different medications and therapies.
4.3. 3 Admiting diagnosis
4.3.1. Emphysema - It is a form COPD and is caused by mailny smoking and alveoli are detroyed in it leading to shortness of breath and exhaling difficulties. It can be treated by Smoking Cessation and Oxygen therapy.
4.3.2. Interstitial Lung Disease - It includes the inflammatory conditions caused by the autoimmune diseases and some Enviornmental factors. It can be treated by Steroids and Immnunosuppressive drugs and also oxygen therapy.
4.3.3. Esophageal Cancer- As the name suggests it is the cancer of the esophagus mainly caused by Acid reflux and smoking or alcohol use. It cant be treated by Surgery and Chemotherapy also by radiation.
5. Concept 3
5.1. Staffing pattern
5.1.1. This care unit may include a team of different mulitidiciplined individuals which are based on different patient needs. They may be Nurses, surgeons and pulmonologists etc.
5.2. Staffing ratio
5.2.1. The typical staffing ratio for this unit includes- 1 or 2 pumonologists seeing the respitory conditions. Nurses may maintain the raito of 1:4 or 6 and NPs ratio may be 1:10-15. It is same for the Physical therapists.While dietitians can handle 20-30 patients at a time.
5.3. Coverage
5.3.1. The unit is open 24 hours which provide comprehensive care for the patients with the chest conditions and also the emergencies that may arise at any time.
5.4. Premiums
5.4.1. Night shift premiums- these include extra incentives for the employee working in the nights.
5.4.2. Holiday Shifts - This iclude extra incentive that the staff will get working on the public holidays and also may be offered in the high demand times.
6. Concept 4
6.1. Specific risks associated with the unit
6.1.1. Sugical Complications - These are reffered to the complications that may arise in or after the surgery and they may include- bleeding, airleaks from the lungs and also the pneumothorax.
6.1.2. Infections - In the chest care unit there may be a high risk of infections which may include the foloowing- sepsis,VAP(ventilator associated pneumonia etc.
6.2. Hospital codes associated with the unit
6.2.1. Code Blue- This code is for Cardiac arrest and the chest care unit is the most liable place for such tragedy to occur so code blue may be called if the patient have one.
6.2.2. Code Red - It is the code that is called upon in the case of any fire. As there are several machines and also many electrical devices in the unit this code may be callled in the case of the fire.
7. Concept 1
7.1. Physicians
7.1.1. The surgeon - mainly Thoracic surgeon having the responsiblity of seeing and making any major decisions within the unit. These may include diagnosing the patient,givning and prescribing treatments and to oversee everything is running smoothly.
7.1.2. Pumonologist - in the chest care unit is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of the conditions like Asthma, pneumonia and respitory failure. They work closely with the other healthcrea professionals to provide best care and treatment to the patients
7.2. Nursing Staff
7.2.1. Registered nurse - act as the main pillar in providing peoperative, postoperative care to the patients. They also monitor patient status, and also give medications and also manage equipment like the ventilators etc.
7.2.2. Nurse practitioner- may play an important role in performing the physical assesment and also developing the treatment plans for the patients while collaborating with the physicians.
7.3. Allied care workers
7.3.1. Respitorty therapists- are a part of the allied care unit and they asses the lung function also may administer various therapies including oxygen and nebulizer treatments. In addition to this they educate patients different breathing techiniques and also teach them about different equipements.
7.3.2. Physical Therapists- As the name suggests they help in improving the phsical function of the patients having the repiratory conditions. they may help them with improving mobility,endurance and strength with some directed exercises.
8. Refrences
8.1. [7:48 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: American Medical Association (AMA) - Role of Physicians https://www.ama-assn.org [7:48 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: American Nurses Association (ANA) - Nursing Role https://www.nursingworld.org [7:48 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association (AMRPA) - Allied Health Professionals https://www.amrpa.org [7:50 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: The Joint Commission - Hospital Accreditation Standards https://www.jointcommission.org [7:51 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Clinical Guidelines https://www.nih.gov [7:51 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: American Hospital Association (AHA) - Hospital Leadership and Organization https://www.aha.org [7:51 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - Safe Staffing Levels https://www.nice.org.uk [7:51 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: American Nurses Association (ANA) - Nurse Staffing https://www.nursingworld.org [7:51 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: National Health Service (NHS) - Staffing and Coverage https://www.nhs.uk [7:51 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) - Overtime and Premium Pay https://www.nlrb.gov [7:51 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) - Patient Safety and Risk Management https://www.ihi.org [7:52 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: American Heart Association (AHA) - Code Blue and Other Emergency Protocols https://www.heart.org [7:52 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: The Joint Commission - Improving Communication in Healthcare https://www.jointcommission.org [7:52 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: Institute of Medicine (IOM) - Communication Tools in Healthcare https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov [7:52 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) - Medical Records and Transcription https://www.ahima.org [7:53 PM, 12/1/2024] Raunak: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) - Admission Standards https://www.cms.gov
9. Concept 8
9.1. Two outside records
9.1.1. Referal Records These include the documentation from the specialists or the physicians that may provide the information about the patients previous medical evaluations and also the treatments. These may be obtained by contacting the refering healthcare provider.
9.1.2. External diagnostic Reports These are the diagnostic results like Xrays , CT scans and the lab test reports which may be conducted outside the healthcare facility where patient is admitted. They can be obtained by requesting for them from the external laboratiries and the imaging cetnre where the test were conducted.