Storytelling (Module 4)
by KaiLea Stiffler
1. make connections
1.1. culture
1.2. traditions
1.3. morals
1.3.1. what the author wants you to learn from the story
1.3.2. life lessons - ways to live your life
2. share
2.1. to give something
2.2. read
2.3. write
2.4. retell
2.5. draw
2.6. act it out
3. word associations (What do we think of when we hear this word?)
3.1. retell
3.2. fiction
3.3. fairy tales
3.4. narrator
4. imagine
4.1. adventures
4.1.1. what the characters do
4.2. characters
4.2.1. who is in the story
4.3. setting
4.3.1. past already happened
4.3.2. present currently happening right now
4.3.3. future will/could happen