Laboratory Animal Alergies

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Laboratory Animal Alergies by Mind Map: Laboratory Animal Alergies

1. Percentage of Personell

1.1. 10-30%

2. Risk factors

2.1. Smoking

2.2. atopical predisposition

2.2.1. pale

2.2.2. female

2.2.3. blonde

2.3. unknown?

2.4. other allergies

2.4.1. especially Animals

3. Hypersensitivity Types

3.1. Type I

3.1.1. immediate hypersensitivity asthma anaphylactic shock

3.2. Type II

3.2.1. cytotoxic

3.2.2. antibody depended

3.3. Type III

3.3.1. Immune complex disease Rheumatoid arthritis

3.4. Type IV

3.4.1. Delayed Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) contactdermatitis contact allergy

4. Main Sources of Allergens

4.1. urine

4.2. hair

4.3. pollen

4.4. salvina

4.5. serum

4.6. spores

4.7. epithelial cell