Types and forms of Tourism


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Types and forms of Tourism by Mind Map: Types and forms of Tourism

1. Point of Origin

1.1. Domestic Tourism

1.1.1. is tourism involving residents of one traveling only within that country.

1.2. Inbound Tourism

1.2.1. is tourism involving visits to a country by visitors who are not residents of that country.

1.3. Outbound Tourism

1.3.1. is tourism involving residents of a country going out of their country.

2. Purpose of Travel

2.1. Business Tourism

2.1.1. a type of travel where people travel for work-related purposes,such as attending meetings,conferences,or trade shows.

2.2. Coastal Tourism

2.2.1. any leisure,recreational,or tourism activity that takes place in coastal areas,including the land and water.

2.3. Cultural Tourism

2.3.1. a type of travel where visitors learn about and experience the cultural attractions and products of a destinations.

2.4. Eco Tourism

2.4.1. a type of tourism that aims to conserve the natural environment while also benefiting local people.

2.5. Educational Tourism

2.5.1. a type of travel that combines learning with tourism.

2.6. Gastronomy Tourism

2.6.1. a type of travel where visitors experience food and related activities to learn about a culture or lifestyle.

2.7. Health Tourism

2.7.1. when people travel to another country for medical treatment, wellness experiences, or healing therapies.

2.8. Rural Tourism

2.8.1. a type of tourism that involves actively participating in a rural lifestyle and experiencing nature,culture,and local people.

2.9. Sports Tourism

2.9.1. is a type of tourism activity which refers to the travel experience of the tourist who either observes as a spectator or actively participates in a sporting event generally involving commercial and non-commercial activities of a competitive nature.