Types of Chemical Reactions

This map explains the type of chemical reactions. Please note that a single reaction can fall in many different categories, for instance, many reactions fall into both salt-producing categories and synthesis reactions can also be exothermic combustion reactions

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Types of Chemical Reactions by Mind Map: Types of Chemical Reactions

1. Acid-Base Neutralisation

1.1. When acids and bases form salts, neutralising each other

1.2. iiHCl + Na2CO3 → iiNaCl + H2CO3

2. Oxide Reaction

2.1. The reaction of a metal oxide with an acid to produce a salt

2.2. Na2O + iiHCl --> H2O + iiNaCl

3. Synthesis Reaction

3.1. Created when two or more products are added to produce more complex compounds

3.2. For instance, take the formula K+Cl-->KCl

4. Decomposition Reaction

4.1. This is when a reactant or reactants break down into simpler compounds or even into their basic elemental forms

4.2. An example of this is H2SO4 --> H2 + SO4 [I cannot get subscript, so coefficients will be marked in Roman numerals, as in iiH2]

5. Single Replacement

5.1. It is when a compound reactant and an element reactant react in such a way that the element replaces one part of the compound

5.2. An example of this is CuSO4 + Mg --> MgSO4 +Cu

6. Double Replacement

6.1. When the negative component of two compounds displace each other

6.2. An example is iiKNO3 + MgSO4 --> Mg(NO3)2 + K2SO4

7. Combustion

7.1. A reaction in the presence of oxygen that releases energy

7.2. Mg + O --> MgO + Heat