Excellent Publicity Backlink Strategy

Excellent Publicity Backlink Strategy includes target pages, content strategy, link-building, competitor analysis, and performance tracking. https://www.excellentpublicity.com/

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Excellent Publicity Backlink Strategy by Mind Map: Excellent Publicity Backlink Strategy

1. Performance Tracking

1.1. New backlinks acquired

1.2. Domain authority growth

1.3. Traffic increase

1.4. SERP position for target keywords

1.5. Tools to Use: Google Search Console, Ahrefs or SEMrush

2. Competitor Analysis

2.1. Backlink count

2.2. Domain authority

2.3. Referring domains

3. Target Pages

3.1. Cinema Advertising

3.2. Digital PR

3.3. SEO

4. Content Strategy

4.1. High-Quality Blog Content

4.2. Infographics

4.3. Case Studies

4.4. Interactive Media like videos

5. Link-Building

5.1. Guest Posting

5.2. Business Listing

5.3. PPT Submission

5.4. Image Submission