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IT-English by Mind Map: IT-English

1. The Internet

1.1. Internet address

1.2. Internet banking

1.3. Internet Relay Chat

1.4. Internet connection

1.5. Internet protocol

2. Information

2.1. age

2.2. processing

2.3. technologies

2.4. characters

3. Data

3.1. dark data

3.2. big data

3.3. small data

3.4. data bank

3.5. data bleed

3.6. data compression

4. Smart

4.1. phone

4.2. TV

4.3. city

4.4. applications

4.5. home

4.6. classroom

5. Digital

5.1. digital marketing

5.2. digital media

5.3. digital native

5.4. digital wallet

5.5. digital video disk

6. Internet protocols and technologies


6.2. VoIP

6.3. NTC

6.4. PHP

6.5. FTP

6.6. CMS

6.7. IP

6.8. PDA

6.9. URL

6.10. HTML

6.11. LAN

6.12. WWW

6.13. ISP

6.14. E-mail

6.15. E-commerce

7. Computer system

7.1. Software

7.1.1. OS

7.1.2. Computer’s drivers

7.1.3. Device manager

7.1.4. Word processors

7.2. Hardware

7.2.1. Peripherals Input devices Output devices Storage devices

7.2.2. CPU

7.2.3. GPU

7.2.4. Main memory RAM ROM

7.2.5. Modem