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Atherosclerosis by Mind Map: Atherosclerosis

1. Risk Factors

1.1. obesity

1.2. sedentary lifestyle

1.3. stress

1.4. ethnicity

1.4.1. African American

1.4.2. Hispanic

1.5. smoking

2. Treatment

2.1. smoking cessation

2.2. exercise

2.3. drug therapy

2.3.1. beta blocker

2.3.2. statins

2.3.3. CCBs

2.3.4. ACEIs

2.3.5. bile acid-binding resins

2.4. diet therapy

2.4.1. vitamin B6

2.4.2. vitamin B12

2.4.3. sodium restriction

2.4.4. folic acid

2.4.5. low calorie

2.4.6. low cholesterol

3. Diagnostic findings and clinical presntation

3.1. elevated lipids

3.1.1. cholesterol

3.1.2. triglycerides

3.2. angina

4. Causative factors

4.1. chemical injury

4.1.1. hyperlipidemia intimal injury group of blood lipids (fats) accumulate

4.1.2. diabetes hyperglycemia intimal arterial damage

4.2. vascular damage

4.3. mechanical injury

4.3.1. hypertension

5. vessel becomes inflammed

5.1. fatty streak appears on intimal surface of artery

5.1.1. stable/unstable plaque develops plaque partially or completely occludes flow of an artery fibrous lesions become calcified, hemorrhaging, ulcerated, or thrombosed