1. key
1.1. curly= white people
1.2. wavy= indian
1.3. straight= coloured people
1.4. bald= black people
2. rules
2.1. your hair may not be permed, have extensions, straighten, curl or have any other form of unnatural modification to your hair
2.2. if there has been a loss of hair, or change in the texture of the hair, the person may be upgraded or downgraded from their initial hieracrchy
2.3. one’s hair hierarchy will be tested on their 5th birthday as infants do not possess hair or much of it
2.4. any malady, illness etc. will not be excused for the loss of hair or change in hair texture
3. curly hair (tested at 5 yrs old)- you have 6 points
3.1. it is 1950-52: a law has just been passed: if you have curly hair you are top of the hierarchy (to make sure you do have curly hair, you will be hosed down and mmake sure your hair dries naturally, if a pen can fall through it, you are not classified as curly-haired + if the coil and natural curl of the hair manages to wrap around a pencil then one is determined curly-haired)
3.1.1. defintion: "A curly-haired person is one who is in appearance obviously curly-haired – and not generally accepted as – or who is generally accepted as curly-haired – and is not obviously Non-culy-haired, provided that a person shall not be classified as a curly-haired person if one of his natural parents has been classified as a wavy-haired person or a straight-haired is a person who is, or is generally accepted as, a member of any straight-haired race or tribe of Toulouse wavy-haired is a person who is not a curly-haired person or a straight-haired...” It is 1950, the group areas act has been passed, Toulouse has been divided into sections. Curly haired people like you are permitted to stay in the capitol, coeur de ville, chatelets and saint etienne. You will be asked to leave your home to come live in these wealthier areas + the Hair type self-government act has also been passed and you vote for whomever It is 1949-50, the prohibiition of mixed marriages/immorality act has been passed. You are not allowed to marry someone that has a different hair texture than you. You cannot marry, bald people, wavy haired or straight haired only curly haired.
4. wavy hair (tested at 5 years old)- you have 5 points
4.1. it is 1950-52: a law has just been passed: if you have wavy hair you are in the middle of the hierarchy (when your hair is wet and dried during the test, you will have a pen put in your hair, when shaking your head if the pen falls lower down but not out of your hair you havey wavy hair + if the hair doesn't coil around the pencil but has a curl/wave to it then it is considered wavy)
4.1.1. defintion: "A curly-haired person is one who is in appearance obviously curly-haired – and not generally accepted as – or who is generally accepted as curly-haired – and is not obviously Non-culy-haired, provided that a person shall not be classified as a curly-haired person if one of his natural parents has been classified as a wavy-haired person or a straight-haired is a person who is, or is generally accepted as, a member of any straight-haired race or tribe of Toulouse wavy-haired is a person who is not a curly-haired person or a straight-haired...” It is 1950, the group areas act has been passed. Toulouse has been divided into sections you have been moved against your will or not, into saint-exupery or saint exupery like colomiers and pibrac + the hair type self-government act has alos been passed and you can vote for the wavy representative council but can not vote in national elections It is 1949-50, the prohibiition of mixed marriages/immorality act has been passed. You are not allowed to marry someone that has a different hair texture than you. You can't marry, curly haired, bald heads, or straight haired
5. straight hair (tested at 5 years old)- you have 4 points
5.1. it is 1950-52: a law has just been passed: if you have straight hair you are bottom of the hierarchy (if the pen falls out of your hair after being wet and dried naturally then you have straight hair + if the hair doesn't maintain or have any wave or curl to it)
5.1.1. defintion: "A curly-haired person is one who is in appearance obviously curly-haired – and not generally accepted as – or who is generally accepted as curly-haired – and is not obviously Non-culy-haired, provided that a person shall not be classified as a curly-haired person if one of his natural parents has been classified as a wavy-haired person or a straight-haired is a person who is, or is generally accepted as, a member of any straight-haired race or tribe of Toulouse wavy-haired is a person who is not a curly-haired person or a straight-haired...” It is 1950, the group areas act has been passed. Toulouse has been divided into sections. You are forcibly moved Mirail, empalot and other working-class areas + you may vote for the straight representative council but not in national elections It is 1949-50, the prohibiition of mixed marriages/immorality act has been passed. You are not allowed to marry someone that has a different hair texture than you. You cannot marry bald people, wavy haired people or curly haired people.
6. bald/no hair (tested at 5 years old) - you have 3 points
6.1. it is 1950-52: a law has just been passed: if you have no hair/bald you are bottom most of the hierarchy (no pen can fit in your hair as you have little to none)
6.1.1. defintion: "A curly-haired person is one who is in appearance obviously curly-haired – and not generally accepted as – or who is generally accepted as curly-haired – and is not obviously Non-culy-haired, provided that a person shall not be classified as a curly-haired person if one of his natural parents has been classified as a wavy-haired person or a straight-haired is a person who is, or is generally accepted as, a member of any straight-haired race or tribe of Toulouse wavy-haired is a person who is not a curly-haired person or a straight-haired...” It is 1950, the group areas have been passed. Toulouse has been divided into sections. You are focibly moved to Reynerie, Mirail and Bagatelle + you may only vote for the smaller government from your homelands youve been moved to (your town) but not in national elections or any bigger party It is 1949-50, the prohibiition of mixed marriages/immorality act has been passed. You are not allowed to marry someone that has a different hair texture than you. You cannot marry, wavy haired or straight haired or curly haired. You can only marry other bald people
7. Hair type tests
7.1. tests will include a pencil/pen being put into the indiviudals hair and their head made to be shaken. If the pen doesn’t move or fall from the original position= curly. If the pen moves from the original position but remains in the hair= wavy. If the pen falls out of hair completely= straight. If there is no hair to assess= bald
7.1.1. second test= a pen/pencil will be put in ones hair, if ones curl fully wraps around it in a coil-like shape= curly, if it doesn’t --> proceed to third test third test= ones wave will be measured. The height of the top of the wave from the base will be measured, then divided by the length of the hair. What is equally possible is the total length of the hair is taken and then, the number of waves in that one strand is calculated, if there are below 2 waves in over 30 cm of hair= straight, if there are 1 or less waves in 30 cm or less of hair= straight fourth test= (also applies after second test)= two medical professionals (doctors) will assess your hair in a clinical setting, with three nurses in the background as witnesses. Doctors will determine the hairtype, and nurses will verify the test has been done in an honest and fair setting.
8. Actual Apartheid laws
8.1. 1950= population registration act: every person was classified in a hierarchy depending on their race. Depending on ones race, their political, civil and economic rights changed. At the top of hierarchy were the white, then the Indians, then the coloured and finally the natives/blacks. Tests were done like examining the colour of peoples’ eyelids and putting a pencil in the hair to see if it fell out or not.
8.1.1. Group areas act of 1950= Formally divided South Africa up into territories where the different race groups had to live. The areas designated for the Blacks were called Bantustans. Blacks had no property rights in the White areas, and could only live there with state permission. In an attempt to clean out “Black Spots” 3.5 million people were forced to leave their homes under this act between 1951 and 1986 (see too 1954 Natives Resettlement Act). Blacks ended up with only given 14% of the land, known as the ‘Tribal Homelands’, even though they made up over 80% of the population. Immorality act of 1949-50: July 1949, act n.55 prohibited marriages or sexual relationships between races. south africans were required to register as one of 4 racial groups. the law also nullified interracial marriages that occurred outside the country Suppression of communism act: defined “communism”. main aim was to get rid of opposition by labelling it as “communism”. because of this opposition, the communist part dissolved itself on may 7th 1950 through a unanimous resolution of its central committee. if anyone professed communism or is declared communist they were liable to a charge of slander and defamation thus subject to legal penalties. anyone who opposed the government was deemed communist