1. Telegram
1.1. - Personal Information
1.1.1. - Username
1.1.2. - Display name
1.1.3. - Profile picture
1.1.4. - Contact info (if available)
1.2. - Activities
1.2.1. - Public groups joined
1.2.2. - Posts or messages in public channels
1.2.3. - Links shared in messages
1.3. - Media
1.3.1. - Shared photos and files
1.3.2. - Voice messages and videos
1.4. - Connections
1.4.1. - Group memberships
1.4.2. - Forwarded messages revealing affiliations
2. X
2.1. - Personal Information
2.1.1. - Display name
2.1.2. - Username (handle)
2.1.3. - Profile picture
2.1.4. - Bio
2.1.5. - Location (if listed)
2.1.6. - Links in profile (e.g., blogs, websites)
2.2. - Posts
2.2.1. - Tweets and replies
2.2.2. - Retweets and quoted tweets
2.2.3. - Likes on other posts
2.3. - Timestamps
2.3.1. - Activity frequency
2.3.2. - Patterns of posting (e.g., morning, evening activity)
2.4. - Connections
2.4.1. - Followers and following lists
2.4.2. - Mentions and tags
2.4.3. - Mutual interactions
3. Discord
3.1. - Personal Information
3.1.1. - Username and discriminator (e.g., username#1234)
3.1.2. - Nicknames in servers
3.1.3. - Display picture
3.1.4. - Status (online, offline, Do Not Disturb, custom messages)
3.2. - Profile Bio
3.2.1. - Linked accounts (e.g., Spotify, Twitch, Xbox)
3.2.2. - Contact info (if available)
3.3. - Activities
3.3.1. - Server memberships (public servers)
3.3.2. - Roles in servers
3.3.3. - Messages in public channels
3.3.4. - Posts in community threads
3.4. - Media
3.4.1. - Uploaded files (images, videos, documents)
3.4.2. - Shared links
3.5. - Connections
3.5.1. - Friends list
3.5.2. - Mutual friends
3.5.3. - Voice chat activity
3.5.4. - Servers or groups with common members
4. Facebook
4.1. - Personal Information
4.1.1. - Full name (as displayed)
4.1.2. - Nicknames
4.1.3. - Usernames
4.1.4. - Contact info (phone, email)
4.1.5. - Birthday
4.1.6. - Gender
4.1.7. - Relationship status
4.2. - Profile Bio
4.2.1. - Current workplace
4.2.2. - Past workplaces
4.2.3. - Education history
4.2.4. - Website links
4.2.5. - Other social media links
4.2.6. - Tagline or favorite quote
4.3. - Posts and Comments
4.3.1. - Timestamps of posts
4.3.2. - Language(s) used
4.3.3. - Post content: text, hashtags, links
4.3.4. - Engagement: likes, comments, shares
4.4. - Locations
4.4.1. - Check-ins (e.g., restaurants, malls, landmarks)
4.4.2. - Places tagged in photos
4.4.3. - Location metadata from posts
4.5. - Connections
4.5.1. - Friends list
4.5.2. - Family members (if tagged or listed)
4.5.3. - Mutual friends
4.5.4. - Tagged individuals in posts or photos
4.6. - Media
4.6.1. - Shared photos (e.g., events, locations, lifestyle)
4.6.2. - Shared videos (e.g., vlogs, live sessions)
4.6.3. - Profile pictures and cover photos
4.6.4. - Historical images (from "Memories" or old uploads)
4.7. - Groups and Pages
4.7.1. - Memberships in Facebook groups
4.7.2. - Liked pages
4.8. - Events
4.8.1. - Attended events
4.8.2. - Created events
4.9. - Interests and Preferences
4.9.1. - Liked content (posts, pages, and comments)
4.9.2. - Shared links to articles or videos
4.9.3. - Topics discussed in comments
5. Instagram
5.1. - Personal Information
5.1.1. - Full name (if displayed)
5.1.2. - Username
5.1.3. - Profile picture
5.1.4. - Contact info (email, phone number, linked websites)
5.2. - Profile Bio
5.2.1. - Short description (e.g., "Travel Blogger in Malaysia")
5.2.2. - External links (e.g., blogs, YouTube)
5.3. - Posts and Comments
5.3.1. - Captions (text, hashtags, geotags)
5.3.2. - Likes and comments
5.3.3. - Mentions and tagged accounts
5.4. - Media
5.4.1. - Photos (e.g., events, locations, lifestyle)
5.4.2. - Stories and Highlights
5.4.3. - Videos and Reels
5.5. - Connections
5.5.1. - Followers and following lists
5.5.2. - Mutual connections
5.5.3. - Tagged people in posts or stories
6. LinkedIn
6.1. - Personal Information
6.1.1. - Full name
6.1.2. - Headline (current position)
6.1.3. - Location (city, country)
6.1.4. - Contact info (email, phone, websites)
6.2. - Professional Experience
6.2.1. - Current and past jobs
6.2.2. - Education history
6.2.3. - Certifications
6.2.4. - Skills and endorsements
6.3. - Posts and Interactions
6.3.1. - Articles shared or written
6.3.2. - Comments on posts
6.3.3. - Groups joined
6.4. - Connections
6.4.1. - 1st, 2nd, 3rd-degree connections
6.4.2. - Mutual connections
6.5. - Media
6.5.1. - Shared documents, images, or presentations
6.5.2. - Portfolio links
7. Reddit
7.1. - Personal Information
7.1.1. - Username
7.1.2. - Karma score (post and comment karma)
7.1.3. - Profile bio (if available)
7.1.4. - Display picture
7.2. - Posts and Comments
7.2.1. - Subreddits joined (publicly visible ones)
7.2.2. - Post history (titles, content, links)
7.2.3. - Comments on threads
7.2.4. - Awards received or given
7.3. - Connections
7.3.1. - Interactions with other users (threads or comments)
7.3.2. - Communities frequently engaged with