Verbs in English


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Verbs in English by Mind Map: Verbs in English

1. Present

1.1. Present simple

1.1.1. I run

1.2. Present perfect

1.2.1. I have run

1.3. Present Continous

1.3.1. I am running

2. Past

2.1. Past simple

2.1.1. I run

2.2. Past continous

2.2.1. I was running

2.3. Past perfect

2.3.1. I had run

3. Future

3.1. Simple future

3.1.1. I will run

3.2. Future continues

3.2.1. I will be running

3.3. Future perfect

3.3.1. I will have run

4. Phrasal verbs

4.1. Run over

5. Action verbs

5.1. Jump

5.2. Run

5.3. Write

6. Linking

6.1. Am

6.2. Is

6.3. Are

7. Helping

7.1. Have to

7.2. Can

7.3. Could

7.4. Might

7.5. Want

8. Voice

8.1. Active

8.1.1. She writes a letter

8.2. Passive

8.2.1. A letter is written by her

9. Mode

9.1. Imperative

9.1.1. Run fast!

9.2. Subjuntive

9.2.1. If I were you, I would run