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Neuroplasticity создатель Mind Map: Neuroplasticity

1. Supplementation

1.1. Omega-3s

1.2. Vitamin B6

1.3. Vitamin B12

1.4. Zinc

2. Skill Acquisition

2.1. Language Learning

2.2. Playing a Musical Instrument

2.2.1. Music Training

2.3. Mediation

2.3.1. Open Monitoring

2.3.2. Focused Attention

2.3.3. Promotes Gamma waves

2.4. Learning of Abstract Information

3. 1. Learning

4. Synaptic Pruning

4.1. "neurons that fire together, wire together and neurons that fire apart, wire apart."

5. Limiters of Nueroplasticity

5.1. Lack of Sleep

5.2. Stress

6. Personal Development

6.1. Experiential Cognition

6.2. Overall Healthy Lifestyle

7. Diet

7.1. Omega-3 Fats

8. Software

8.1. HighIQPro®

8.2. SuperMemo

8.3. Increases specific cognitive skills

9. 2. Memory

10. 3. Recovering from Brain Damage

10.1. Phantom Limb Pain

10.2. Human echolocation

11. Exercise

11.1. Aerobic exercise

11.1.1. 45 minutes/3 times weekly

11.2. Increases general Neuroplasticity

12. Misconceptions

12.1. The Brain is 'Frozen' after adolescence

12.2. 'Once brain cells die you don't get them back'