Class sizes caucus

Analysis of the problem of reducing class sizes in K12 schools

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Class sizes caucus by Mind Map: Class sizes caucus

1. the work of the caucus

1.1. find information on existing laws

1.1.1. Title I?

1.1.2. state laws on class size reduction

1.1.3. teacher student ratio requirements

1.2. find information on past efforts

1.2.1. Model legislation

1.2.2. friendly legislators

1.2.3. districts with small classes

1.3. power mapping

1.4. educational research

1.4.1. effects achievement mental health life outcomes

1.4.2. methods of reducing class sizes?

2. allies

2.1. parents

2.2. teachers

2.3. students

2.3.1. Student Councils

2.3.2. student affinity groups

2.3.3. Associations of student councils

2.4. boards of education?

2.5. youth mental health workers?

2.6. MaryPIRG? Other Public Interest Research Groups?

3. caucus formation

3.1. gather signatures

3.2. complete the NEA form

3.3. committee that considers new caucuses?

3.4. write a statement of purpose

3.5. select a caucus chair

4. decision makers

4.1. district administration

4.2. federal DOE

4.3. federal legislators

4.4. state departments of education

4.5. state legislators

5. Benefits for schools

5.1. reduce teacher attrition

5.2. reduce stress

5.3. reduce workload