Georgia Tech Scheller School Leadership Academy

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Georgia Tech Scheller School Leadership Academy by Mind Map: Georgia Tech Scheller School Leadership Academy

1. Immersion Week Program Foundational Work

1.1. Overall Course Agreements

1.2. Team Contracting

1.3. Crucial Conversations

1.4. Conflict Utilization

1.5. Inclusion Excellence

2. EMBA Leadership Challenges

2.1. Attend 2 events

2.2. Conference

2.3. Dean Tech Talks

2.4. Practice leadership by presenting, volunteering or networking at live events

3. Individual Learning Sessions (Individual/Team)

3.1. Take Individual Leadership Inventory Assessment (September)

3.2. Session 1: 5 Factor Model of Personality

3.3. Session 2: Pressue Point Individual Leadership Inventory

4. Coaching Sessions

4.1. Coaching Session 1 (September -February)

4.2. Coaching Session 2 (March-June)

5. Leverage Change Book Companion Program (Team/Organizational))

5.1. Welcome/Module 1: Why Leverage Change (and what it really means) (January)

5.2. Module 2: Breaking Down The 8 Levers (February)

5.3. Module 3: How To Use The Levers (March)

5.4. Module 4: Leveraged Actions You Can Start with Right Now (April)

5.5. Module 5: Putting The Levers To Work For You (May)

5.6. Conclusion/Bonus Module (June)

6. Introduction to TalentSage Approach

6.1. Take Individual Leadership Inventory Assessment

6.2. TalentSage Videos and Quizzes

6.3. Teamship Standards and Protocols

7. Leverage Change Book (Team/Organizational)

7.1. Chapters 1-3 (September)

7.1.1. Pay Attention to Continuity

7.1.2. Think and Act as if the Future Were Now!

7.1.3. Design it Yourself

7.2. Chapters 4-5 (October)

7.2.1. Create a Common Database

7.2.2. Start With Impact, Follow the Energy

7.3. Chapters 6-7 (November)

7.3.1. Develop a Future Peoplel Want to Call Their Own

7.3.2. Find Opportunities for People to Make a Meaningful Difference

7.4. Chapters 8-10 (December)

7.4.1. Make Change Work Part of Daily Work

7.4.2. The Power and Possibilities of Leverage Change

7.4.3. Taking Leverage Into Your Own Hands