1.1. Languages connect us
1.1.1. To learn about the cultural identity of themselves and others.
1.2. Understanding language is key
1.2.1. To explore a range of forms and genres by reading different texts and by finding and using diff information from diff materials
1.2.2. To make sense of what is heard, read and seen so that they can empathise and respond effectively by using a range of strategies to read with increasing fluency, and by using cues to predict general meaning
1.2.3. To become unbiased and critically aware of what they hear, read, and see.
1.3. Expressing ourselves through language
1.3.1. To use clear and effective communication through a range of roles, genres, media and styles – in a suitable register (By speaking clearly, using precise language, by varying the type of sentences in both speaking and writing)
1.3.2. To interact, explore ideas, express viewpoints, knowledge and understanding and build relationships in both speaking and writing ( By reviewing their own work, by using spoken language for different purposes, by writing legibly, by attempting to spell difficult words, by using familiar punctuation, by writing in logical sequences, by talking to plan)
1.4. Literacy fires imagination and inspires creativity
1.4.1. To respond to a variety of diverse literature (poetry, retelling stories, creating their own literature).
2. ICT
2.1. Citizenship
2.1.1. To keep self, safe online considering use of passwords, what we share and with who,
2.1.2. To understand the need for age restrictions, positive and effective effects of technology and the well-being effect of screen time.
2.1.3. To understand when it is appropriate to use the work of others and the need to cite sources
2.1.4. To use digital technology to communicate and connect with others locally and globally, protecting self and others from possible online dangers, bullying and inappropriate behaviour
2.2. Producing
2.2.1. To communicate with others using technology
2.2.2. To work with others on ICT activities
2.2.3. To save and find own work.
2.3. Interacting and collaborating
2.3.1. To use a range of software to plan, produce and evaluate multimedia work (Inc keyboard shortcuts)
2.4. Data and computational thinking
2.4.1. To understand the importance of order of statements/instructions to make things happen and notice errors
2.4.2. Collect and present data in charts graphs, tables, spreadsheets and databases
3.1. Number
3.1.1. To use numbers (Cardinal, ordinal and nominal) reading writing and counting whole numbers, fractions, percentages and decimals and understanding place value.
3.1.2. Use multiplications and division
3.1.3. To work confidently with money
3.2. Algebra
3.2.1. To explore patterns of number and shape, equality and inequality, expressions and equations involving symbols or words to represent unknown values
3.3. Geometry
3.3.1. Measure time, length, capacity, mass, temperature in appropriate units and convert between units
3.3.2. Explore 2d and 3d shapes and perimeter
3.3.3. Understand co-ordinates, positions, directions, angles and tuns (rotations)
3.4. Statistics
3.4.1. Sort and classify data,
3.4.2. Present data in tables, charts and graphs
3.4.3. Interpret and analyse data inc scales