21ECE324T - Advanced Mobile Communication Systems

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21ECE324T - Advanced Mobile Communication Systems by Mind Map: 21ECE324T - Advanced Mobile Communication Systems

1. **Course Outcomes**

1.1. **CO1**-Examine the development, challenges and requirements of mobile communications

1.2. **CO2-** Interpret the methods that can be employed in improving the data rate of mobile communication systems.

1.3. **CO3** -Connect the layers of communication systems

1.4. **CO4** -Analyze the techniques of Planning and deployment of communication network

1.5. **CO5** -Summarize the security, services and applications of Next generation communication techniques

2. **Program Outcome mapped to CO**

2.1. PO1- Engineering knowledge

2.2. PO2- Problem Analysis

2.3. PO3 Design/Development of Solutions

2.4. PO4-Conduct investigations of complex problems

2.5. PO9- Individual and team work

2.6. PO12-Life long learning

3. **Grading Plan**

3.1. **FT1**

3.1.1. CO1

3.2. **FT II**

3.2.1. CO1, CO2

3.3. **FT III**

3.3.1. CO3, CO4

3.4. **FT IV**

3.4.1. CO1,CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5

3.5. **LLT I**

3.5.1. CO4,CO5

4. **Rubrics for Evaluation**

4.1. **Competency**

4.1.1. To study the fundamentals requirements of 5G, the various developments proposed and challenges in mobile communication.

4.1.2. To study the constrains that limit the data-rate under noise, frequency and interference limited scenarios.

4.1.3. To gain knowledge in OFDM, Channel Estimation and MIMO

4.1.4. Explore the concepts of radio network planning, Network interfacing elements and their measurements

4.1.5. Explore the various standards of Security Implications in 5G Environments

5. **Unit-1 - Introduction**

5.1. Overview -What Is 5G? -Background -Research and Challenges for Electronics

5.1.1. CO1, PO1, PO2

5.2. Expected 5G in Practice - 5G and Security -Motivations

5.2.1. CO1, PO1, PO2

5.3. 5G Standardization and Regulation -Global Standardization in 5G Era

5.3.1. CO1, PO1, PO2

5.4. Requirements Based on ITU- The Technical Specifications of 3GPP-The 5 G Security.

5.4.1. CO1, PO1, PO2

5.5. Case Study: Mobile Network Operators and Mobile Device Manufacturers in India

5.5.1. CO1, PO1, PO2

6. **Unit-2 Data Rates in Mobile Communication**

6.1. Fundamental Constraints in achieving High Data Rates

6.1.1. CO2, PO1, PO3

6.2. Noise-limited scenarios Interference-limited scenarios

6.2.1. CO2, PO1, PO3

6.3. Higher-order Modulation, Multi carrier modulation Wider bandwidth

6.3.1. CO2, PO1, PO3

6.4. Spectrum Composition Low frequency spectrum, capacity and coverage

6.4.1. CO2, PO1, PO3

6.5. spectrum for 5GNR, unlicensed mm waves bands, Terahertz spectrum, spectrum requirements for 6G: SUB-6.

6.5.1. CO2, PO1, PO3

7. **Unit-3 - Radio Network**

7.1. Radio access technology-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

7.1.1. CO3, PO4

7.2. Channel estimation and equalization

7.2.1. CO3, PO4

7.3. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Techniques-Advanced MIMO

7.3.1. CO3, PO4

7.4. Radio network architecture and Interfaces.

7.4.1. CO3, PO4

7.5. Case Study: The Role of 5G and beyond in the Cyber-World

7.5.1. CO3, PO4

8. **Unit-4 - Network Planning and Deployment**

8.1. Core and Transmission Network Dimensioning

8.1.1. CO4, PO4, PO9

8.2. Radio Network Planning- Core and Radio Network Deployment Scenarios

8.2.1. CO4, PO4, PO9

8.3. Standalone and Non-Standalone Deployment Scenarios

8.3.1. CO4, PO4 PO9

8.4. Network Interfaces and Elementscore deployment-Measurements.

8.4.1. CO4, PO4, PO9

8.5. Case Study : Security Opportunities for Stakeholders

8.5.1. CO4, PO4, PO9

9. **Unit-5 - Security Services and Applications**

9.1. Security Threats and Challenges

9.1.1. CO5, PO2, PO12

9.2. Security Implications in 5G Environments and Use Cases

9.2.1. CO5, PO2, PO12

9.3. Security Layers- Device Security- Security between Network Entities

9.3.1. CO5, PO2, PO12

9.4. Vehicle Communications- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

9.4.1. CO5, PO2, PO12

9.5. Case Study: The concept and vision of 6G Massive IoT

9.5.1. CO5, PO2, PO12