iTwin Challenge Day 2: Scaling Your iTwins

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iTwin Challenge Day 2: Scaling Your iTwins by Mind Map: iTwin Challenge Day 2: Scaling Your iTwins

1. Intro

1.1. A new better way to grow your business and income using AI

1.2. Learn step-by-step from A to Z how to skyrocket your social media content, audience, personal brand, leads, and income to new all-time highs by creating, using, and scaling your digital **iTwins.**

1.2.1. Creating your iTwins **Clone / replicate yourself.** Turn 1 shoft selfie video of yourself into 100s of engaging, social media videos. Instgram Reels Youtube Shorts TikToks iTwins = AI-generated videos of you. Digital you. Your AI avatars. Look and speak like you, as you. Trained with your **Look** Trained with your **Voice** Trained with your **Info** Trained with your **Knowledge** Why iTwins? 🕙Massive time saver. Save eons of time and millions of clicks 🧠Massive brain-power saver. Save gazillion kilowatts of brain power 🚀Massive booster for your business, personal brand, and income. 🌎Everyone will have and use their own iTwins in the future ⭐️Exponential progress in quality of AI-generated video and speech

1.2.2. Scaling your iTwins 🚀 1 videos unique posted every **DAY** 🚀 🚀🚀 2-3 unique videos posted every **DAY**

1.3. **Day 2:** Easily and consistently post 1+ unique, engaging iTwin video every day with minimal time, clicks, or effort. Discover a hyper-effective method to plan organize your time for maximum productivity, and generate engaging social media video scripts and videos at lightning speed

1.3.1. 🚀 1 videos unique posted every **DAY**

1.3.2. 🚀 🚀🚀 2-3 unique videos posted every **DAY**

2. 🎁 Your $1,000 Reward

2.1. A fun, gamified learning adventure that rewards you for taking action

2.1.1. Designed for action-takers.

2.1.2. Designed to help you finish and complete the program, and **get massive results and value.**

2.1.3. cca. 500% - 1,000% higher completion rate and odds of you ** getting massive results and value.** Time-limited Reward Penalty

2.2. Simple rules

2.2.1. 🎁 If you complete all 4 days of this course in time, you'll get an amazing high-value reward.

2.2.2. 🥾 If you don't complete it on time, you’ll get the boot 😀 We’ll remove you from this private group and you will lose access to all content in this challenge. To protect the action-taking standard of this community, we have to remove people who don’t take action. 💖

2.3. Reward

2.3.1. An in-depth video class (Live Class + Q&A + Replay)

2.3.2. How to magnetically attract and close high-ticket clients for your 1:1 or group offers with ZERO sales calls using a **smart, gamified free challenge.**

2.3.3. All mind mind maps

3. Curriculum

3.1. 4-Day Curriculum

3.1.1. 4 Days = 4 Video Classes = 4 Assignments

3.1.2. Each Day Class Assignment to unlock the next Day

3.1.3. Each Class cca. 45-60 minutes

3.1.4. Each Assignment cca. 3-5 minutes

3.2. ✅ Day 0: Warm-Up

3.3. ✅ Day 1: Creating Your iTwins

3.4. **Day 2: Scaling Your iTwins**

3.5. 🔐 Day 3: Turning Views Into Income

3.6. 🔐 Day 4: $1M Game Plan

3.7. 🔐 Reward: Magnetic Client Attraction

4. More social media content = more growth = more income

4.1. Social media content = key driver of business growth

4.1.1. Reach more people organically

4.1.2. Turn strangers into leads

4.1.3. Turn leads into customers

4.1.4. Turn customers into repeat customers

4.1.5. Profitable paid ads Promote your best-performing posts Retarget people who viewed your organic posts

4.1.6. Attract new opportunities

4.1.7. Launch new products, projects, brands, companies

4.2. $1M Game Plan

4.3. Grow your audience

4.4. Grow your income

4.5. Key to success = post new content daily and consistently

5. Problem

5.1. 😫 **Creating and posting content daily is hard, very hard!**

6. Solution

6.1. Learn, create, master, and scale your **iTwins**

7. Steps To Scaling Your iTwins

7.1. Desired Outcome

7.1.1. 🚀 1 videos unique posted every **DAY**

7.1.2. 🚀 🚀🚀 2-3 unique videos posted every **DAY**

7.2. Use Time Blocking + Task Batching

7.2.1. A productivity technique / strategy that involves grouping similar tasks together to complete all at once.

7.3. Video publishing workflow

7.3.1. Idea > Script > Film/Generate Video > Edit/Produce > Publish

7.4. 🛑✋😫 Incorrect way

7.4.1. Don't work like this

7.5. 🟢👍🥰 Correct way

7.5.1. Work like this

7.6. Use a schaduling software

7.6.1. I use GoHighLevel

7.6.2. Visit ** **

7.7. Demo in

8. Assignment

8.1. Complete your Day 2 assignment to unlock the Day 3 module

8.1.1. Your assignment here below this video

8.1.2. 3-5 minutes needed

8.1.3. ⚠️ Set the title of your post to **"My Day 2 Assignment"**

8.2. Questions? Ideas? Problems? Comment below or post in Spaces > iTwin Challenge > Discussion

8.3. See you in Day 3