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Supportive C.T by Mind Map: Supportive C.T

1. The Blood :Blood and lymph are fluid connective tissue

1.1. Madeup of plasma and cellular formed elements

1.2. Hematopoietic

1.2.1. Found :located in bone marrow

2. Cellular elements of blood

2.1. 1-Red blood corpuscular or erythrocytes

2.1.1. The normal is 5million/ml Life of about 120days

2.2. White blood cells or leucocytes

2.2.1. The normal 7000ml(5000-10000) Granular leucocytes Neutrophil Acidophil or eosinophil Basophil Non-granular leucocytes Lymphocyte Monocytes Muscular tissue Some muscle movement is voluntary

2.3. Blood platelets or thrombocytes

2.3.1. There are about200,000-300,000/ml The life about 10 days

3. Bone tissue

3.1. Osteoprogenitor:who is Unspeecialized stem cells Undergo mitosis and develop

3.1.1. Found/inner surface of peri and endo steum

3.2. Osteoblasts:who is Bone forming cells and No ability to mitotically divide

3.2.1. Found/on surface of bone

3.2.2. Function/collagen secretors

3.3. Osteocytes:who is mature bone cells and don’t secrete matrix material

3.3.1. Function/include exchange of nutrients and waste with blood

3.4. Osteoclasts:

3.4.1. Found/in pit in the bone surface

3.4.2. Function/Breaks down bone tissue and Growth,maintenance and bone repair

4. Salt’s bones

4.1. Tricalcium phosphate

4.2. Calcium Carbonate

4.3. Magnesium Hydroxide

4.4. Fluoride and sulfate

5. Function of bone

5.1. Supports the body

5.2. Attachment point for muscles

5.3. Protect organ …ribcage ,skull

5.4. Produce red blood cells

5.5. Acts as a reservoir for calcium

6. 1-Osteon contains

6.1. Central(Haversian)canal:run longitudinally(long+itu+dinally)

6.2. Surrounding lamellae:groups of elongated tubules

6.3. Lacunae :little lakes

6.4. Canaliculi:channels radiating from the lacunae ,to connect between to one another

6.5. Blood vessels and nerves

7. 2-spongy or cancellous

7.1. No Haversian system

7.2. Contains empty spaces between trabeculae

7.3. Lighter than the compact bone

7.4. Found/in the interior of bones and at the end of long bones and yellow marrow in the shaft area