Richard, SB, & Other Operations

Initial Thought for detailed development

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Richard, SB, & Other Operations by Mind Map: Richard, SB, & Other Operations

1. t

2. Refurbishment

2.1. Engine, Gearbox & Controls

2.2. Heating

2.2.1. Stove

2.2.2. Pipe

2.2.3. Chimney

2.3. Aft Decking

2.3.1. Measurement CM & Curve Template

2.3.2. 3mm Steel

2.3.3. Lift Out Holes or Brakets (

2.3.4. Centre Mid

2.4. Galley

2.4.1. Timber Framing

2.4.2. Top - One Part Cut Basin Top Design Burner/ Oven

2.5. Toilet

2.5.1. Window Replacement

2.5.2. Flushing WC

2.5.3. Black Water Tanking

2.6. Electrical

2.7. Batteries

2.7.1. Solar

2.8. Bilges

2.8.1. Float Pump

2.9. Water

2.10. Salon / Sleeping

2.10.1. Storage Unit

2.10.2. Cushioning

2.10.3. Drinking Water Black Water Tank

2.11. Forward Doors

3. Hot Water Heater

4. Toolinng

5. Grand Union CRT

6. Benefit Prospect

6.1. Applicationn Form

7. Iver Boat

8. Commercial Operation

8.1. Tourist ?

8.2. Business Base ?

8.3. Alternatives

9. RT Marketing

9.1. Phone Ok

9.2. Email Set Up

9.3. Canal Address

9.4. Business Card

10. Photos

10.1. Old

10.2. New

10.3. Before & After

11. CRT Helper

11.1. Contacts

11.2. Utility

11.3. Lockkeeper

12. Territory Knowledge

12.1. Grand Union

12.2. Maps

12.3. Services

13. Seimbra Yard

13.1. Trip to Lisbon

14. Boat Lease Agreement

14.1. Outline Terms

14.2. Duration

14.3. Exir Arrangements

15. Business 50/50

15.1. RT Position

15.2. Timeframing