Our final project

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Our final project by Mind Map: Our final project

1. Technical resources

1.1. Computers

1.2. Projector

1.3. Camera

1.4. Mobile phones

2. By Silvia Serrano, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

3. Final task we will elaborate

3.1. My own horror story

4. Number of sessions we will have: 9

4.1. Session 1

4.1.1. Literary works by women

4.2. Session 2

4.2.1. Frankenstein and The Haunting of Hill House. Quizz about them

4.3. Session 3

4.3.1. Linguistic elements

4.4. Session 4

4.4.1. Beginning of the story

4.5. Session 5

4.5.1. Completion of the story and creation of characters

4.6. Session 7

4.6.1. Music for the story

4.7. Session 8

4.7.1. Recording of the story

4.8. Session 9

4.8.1. Making videos of the story

5. Grouping: groups of five people!!!

6. Tools we will need

6.1. Google

6.2. Google forms

6.3. Padlet

6.4. Storyboard

6.5. Grammarly

6.6. TinkerCad

6.7. Spotify

6.8. Webex

6.9. Wevideo

7. Spaces where we will work

7.1. Our classroom

7.2. ICT room

7.3. SUM to record the story