Our final project
by Silvia SA

1. Technical resources
1.1. Computers
1.2. Projector
1.3. Camera
1.4. Mobile phones
2. By Silvia Serrano, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
3. Final task we will elaborate
3.1. My own horror story
4. Number of sessions we will have: 9
4.1. Session 1
4.1.1. Literary works by women
4.2. Session 2
4.2.1. Frankenstein and The Haunting of Hill House. Quizz about them
4.3. Session 3
4.3.1. Linguistic elements
4.4. Session 4
4.4.1. Beginning of the story
4.5. Session 5
4.5.1. Completion of the story and creation of characters
4.6. Session 7
4.6.1. Music for the story
4.7. Session 8
4.7.1. Recording of the story
4.8. Session 9
4.8.1. Making videos of the story