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Profiling by Mind Map: Profiling

1. Evaluation

1.1. Deterministic

1.2. Ethnocenetric

1.3. Reductionist

1.4. Scientific Research

1.4.1. Method Content analysis/ statistical process - sound scientific theory

1.4.2. Bias Content analysis/ Statistical process not based on opinion

1.4.3. Reliabilty Replicate - content analysis - cases

1.4.4. Sampling Unrep/biased studies - not truly random ofetn opportunity based

1.4.5. Data Quantitive/Qualitative

1.5. Situational/ Individual

1.5.1. Bottom up = situational

1.5.2. Top down = individual

1.6. Nature vs Nurture

1.6.1. Theories of profiling dont support either side

2. Top down profiling

2.1. Pre designed categories – analyse ad describe

2.1.1. E.g. star signs – basic info – predict future

2.1.2. Exists in offender profiling – creates typologies- clear/distinct categories

2.2. Exists in offender profiling – creates typologies- clear/distinct categories

2.2.1. Investigate clue for criminal type - Best fit

2.2.2. Criminal type identified - predict criminal’s next strike

2.3. FBI psych profiling centre - Behavioural Support Unit & National Centre for Analysis of Violent Crime

2.3.1. Data from FBI/Police – investigation/interviews with known offender Determine major personality characteristic of offenders that separate them from non-offenders. Info pooled – FBI typologies of serious offenders

2.3.2. Determine major personality characteristic of offenders that separate them from non-offenders. Info pooled – FBI typologies of serious offenders Ressler interviewed 36 murders – unstructured interviews – adhoc fashion – convicts gave permission Organised and disorganised crime scene & offenders.

3. Bottom Up profiling

3.1. No assumptions

3.1.1. Gather all info - build logical decsion based on it E.g. Tarot cards

3.2. Popular in Britain

3.2.1. Canter Centre for Investigative Psych & Liverpool University Orginally environmental psych - behaviour in buildings stay the same - in emergencies too Avoid typologies & categorising offender arguing its importance to treat every case/offender - unique/ individual

3.3. Criminal Consistency Hypothesis - states an offender's behaviour when commiting a crime = consistent with everyday life.

3.4. Criminals perform actions are direct reflections of the transformations they have with other people