New media is any media from newspaper, articles and blogs to music and podcasts that are delivered digitally. ° Types of New Media °
1. Social Media Platforms
1.1. Defined as the digital applications and platforms ,which are usually online, where people can share information,communicate,and interact with others .EX: include Twitter...
1.2. Social media allows users to create and share their own content,comment and engage with others in real-time.
2. Software
2.1. it is about the instructions that tell a computer what to do.
2.2. When we talk about software there is some types like google bard, chat gpt , scribe.
2.3. we have also some translation tools whereby we can aaply what is called machine translation like google translate, amazon translate, microsoft translator.
3. WiKi
3.1. wiki is an online resource that allows users to add and edit content collectively.
3.2. In wiki we have many web pages, or they are called helpertexts that can operated and edited by everyone.
3.3. Information in wiki is collected in a website that is called wikipedia and it is a research resource like database which is comprehensive in terms of range of subjects.
3.4. It is also called "The free Encyclopedia" because anyone can access to information and can also edit or delete that information.
4. Blogs
4.1. Are a type of regularly updated websites that provide insight into a certain topic.
4.2. The word blog is a combined version of the words "Web"and "log"at their inception ,blogs were simply an online diary where people could keep a log about their dialy lives, on the web.They have since morphed into an essential forum for individuals and businesses alike to share information and updates .
4.3. we can have one author or more and we may have one article or more.
4.4. Thery are known by the name Wordpress, Blogger,Typepad,and Live Journal.
5. Podcasts
5.1. they are themselves a form of digital media consisting of audio or video files that can be downloaded and played on various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, or computers.
5.2. They are designed to be streamed or downloaded fo on-demand listening .
5.3. They often cover a wide range of topics, making them a popular form of entertainment, education, and communication .
6. Websites
6.1. Are a group of world wide web pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other and they can be available online by an individual,company,educational instituion,government,or organization.
6.2. Each website has its own color, the format of website that can be changed from one to another, the images,text.
6.3. They are desinged for diverse purposes,including information sharing, commerce, entertainmentand community building.
7. Electronic Newspapers
7.1. They are digital versions of traditional newspapers that are published and accessed online.
7.2. unlike printed newspapers, electronic nespapers can have extra features like videos, pictures, and links,and they are updated quickly so you always get the latest news.
7.3. EX: Los Angeles Times / The Washington Post/ Hespress.