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Budgeting Basic Course by Mind Map: Budgeting Basic Course

1. Learn Basic Budgeting Concepts

1.1. Define Budgeting

1.1.1. Text Content

1.1.2. Video on Budgeting Basics

1.1.3. Myths Holding You back from budgeting Text on Budgeting Myths Interactive Flip Cards with the Myth on one side and the explanation on the back Assessment: Multiple Choice Question

2. Budget Categories

2.1. Definition of Budget Categories

2.1.1. Text of content

2.1.2. Mandatory vs. Discretionary and Needs vs. Wants Expenses Identify Mandatory Expense Categories Interactive Exercise - Matching Exercise - Identify Expense type and Category Interactive Exercise - Fill in the Blank Text - Definitions of Mandatory/Discretionary a Video - Discretionary vs. Mandatory Video Identify Discretionary Expenses Interactive Exercise - Flip Cards - Front of Card - Category / Back of Card - Examples of Discreationary Expenses Discretionary Expense Exercise - Select Discretionary Expenses from a bank statement Fill in the Blank Question

3. Flip Cards - Mandatory, Discretionary Expenses on one side and examples of each type on the back side of the card

4. Document to Create Budget

4.1. Documents to Create A Budget

4.1.1. Text - Content

4.1.2. Hot Spot Map with the Definitions of Financial Documents to Create a Budget

5. Summative Assessment

5.1. Wrap-Up

5.1.1. Definitions of all concepts

5.1.2. Visual Examples of Documents

5.2. Quiz - Multiple Choice, True False, Select Items

5.3. End of Course Survey Embedded in the Course (Google Survey)