What Is Technology

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What Is Technology by Mind Map: What Is Technology

1. Why we need new technology

1.1. In my personal opinion I feel we need any more technology than we already, if we wanted to stay stagnant as a speices.

1.2. New technology is however needed inorder to grow as a species, like in new ways to grow plants, create prostheics for amputies, new technology to help protect humans againts viruses or deadly dieseases.

1.2.1. The good, Technology can be a good thing for our species o evole and create something to leave a useful and lasting impact; like a cure for cancer.

1.2.2. The bad, Techology can be a gift that bringeth life or a tool for destruction like, malicous software, weapons for mass destruction or the creation of viruses or deadly dieseases.

2. Technology Definition

2.1. There is really no true definition for technology. Technology can mean so many different things depending on the person you ask, the environment they grew up in all of their opinion would differ.

2.1.1. Technology isnt just digital it could be the phone in our pockets, the shoes on our feet, or even the velcro on boxing gloves. almost anything that is man-made could be a form of technology. Technology has a long history, that goes as far back as the didcovery of the wheel. nn

2.2. Technology can be a means of communication to be able to communicate ditgitaly and through signals. I believe that a radio and a cell phone can both be considered technology.

3. Citation

3.1. Works Cited“Definition of Technology.” Sheridancollege.ca, 2025, slate.sheridancollege.ca/d2l/le/content/1333087/viewContent/17033210/View. Accessed 19 Jan. 2025.Inc., Apple. “Apple Christmas Commercial 2021 | Apple Christmas Ad 2021.” Www.youtube.com, 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx0om7rWhl0 . Accessed 26 Dec. 2021.“Pace of Change.” Sheridancollege.ca, 2025, slate.sheridancollege.ca/d2l/le/content/1333087/viewContent/17033268/View. Accessed 20 Jan. 2025.SMARTEduEMEA. “The History of Technology in Education.” YouTube, 3 Oct. 2011, www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s . Accessed 20 June 2019.“We Are Technology.” Sheridancollege.ca, 2025, slate.sheridancollege.ca/d2l/le/content/1333087/viewContent/17033220/View. Accessed 20 Jan. 2025.“What Is Technology.” Sheridancollege.ca, 2025, slate.sheridancollege.ca/d2l/le/content/1333087/viewContent/17033211/View. Accessed 19 Jan. 2025.

4. What I thought technology was before?

4.1. Prior to my research, I thought technology was any type of electronic device

4.2. I did not believe technology could be more than just a computer, software, or AI.

5. What I think technology is now?

5.1. Technology can be so many different things, I feel like it isn't what the item is, it's what you can do with the information that enables you to use and create new technology.

5.1.1. Velcro, this a form of technology that is great at fastening things together which is useful to keep clothing closed.

5.1.2. Computers, these are a form of technology that has a broad array of uses of either processing things digitally or physically.

5.1.3. Vacums, these are a form of technology that aids in cleaning a variety of messes.

5.2. Technology isnt just electronics and that it can bring us together.

5.2.1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx0om7rWhl0&t=177s

6. How do all of these topics relate?

6.1. All of these topics relate as the help you understand how complex technology is and that there isnt a defined meanig of what technology is as it has many forms.