1. What I think now
1.1. In reality the simple definition of technology is the practical application of knowledge so that something entirely new can be invented or change the way of using something that already have existed.
1.1.1. Technology is a term used for one specific knowledge or understanding which can help us to comprehence the simulation of machines so we can use this to profit the mankind.
1.1.2. In my point of view the technology is essential part of this modern world, nearly everything is dependent on the technology. For example, transprot, agriculutre and basic human need. Every field is depedent on technology. We have big bridges, better roads, cars, airways and many more. Agriculture have been making advancement because the process of farming become easier due to technology. Today, human have better food , home , enverioment and facilities which was never thought of
1.1.3. Because of the technological advancement human have made impossible , possible.
2. how my thoughts changed
2.1. I was thniking that technology is understanding the mechanism of different systems that are important for modern machinery , but it is not the process of learning or understanding, technology is using our own scientific or conceptual knowledge to create innovations for making human life easier.
2.2. My point of view changed from learning to using own specific knowledge. I used to think that technology can be learned but its not about learning at all.
2.3. It expanded my horizen of using the technology. before i thought that it has a limit, but now i believe that technology has a limitless boundries.
2.3.1. It is evolving day by day and achieveing new heights at rapid pace. Not long ago, like in past decades no one have thought that machine will work automatically, human control was neccessary, but now AI prove that wrong.
3. What I thought before
3.1. I used to think that the definition of technology is a knowledge of comprehencing the mechanism behind the operating system.
3.1.1. I thought, its just one area of study. like how to make or operate specific equipment. For example, we need engineer degree to run some big machines in factory. Or we need to study the microscope to learn about bacterias and vaccines
4. Why we need technology
4.1. I think we need technology because it have proved its worth in past few decades
4.1.1. There were many casulties in so many dangerous works like mining , buliding , hunting etc. however , use of technology made these situation safer than before. For instance , carbon fueled caw was the biggest source for emmission. But now we have EV cars which have reduce the emmission of carbon in great numbers Technological advancements in mine Rapid technological progress, such as automation, digitization, and electrification, have a significant effect in the mineral industry. Autonomous cars, automated drilling and tunnel boring equipment, drones, and smart sensors are a few of the innovations transforming the mining industry. Safer mining operations have been adopted to the technological progress that has been made. These safer mining operations include safe evacuations, safe underground traffic, smart alerts, and smart analytics. We think that technolgy has no use in field on health care, but what about X-rays machine, microscope,indoscop and there are bunch of machines that are useful in treatment. without those it would be difficult to treat the injuries. Technology has improved diagnostics in every way—from accuracy, to speed, to accessibility. Diagnostic technology plays a key role in addressing one of the biggest issues in healthcare: chronic illness. Illnesses like heart disease and diabetes are prevalent in the U.S., but technology can help reduce their severity. For example, diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of preventable blindness among American adults, and it’s 90% preventable through proper diagnosis and treatment. Teleretinal imaging allows providers to capture retinal images and send them to board-certified eye care providers who review the images remotely. Because of its ease and convenience, teleretinal imaging increases diabetic retinal exam compliance and increases the likelihood of early detection. Learn more about diabetic teleretinal screening here. Also, because of technology human have also sufferd many problems. like the global warming is a big issues for the world. so we the new evolution where technology is mitigating these problems. For instance , carbon fueled caw was the biggest source for emmission. But now we have EV cars which have reduce the emmission of carbon in great numbers