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1. why we need technology

1.1. now, with techological advancement, there is also many issues mankind is facing.

1.1.1. for example, with growing area of factories, the damage to enverionment is also increaseing.therefore, we need to upgarde our way of handling the current situation, like we need to find new systems, equipments and machines which causes less damage to enveironment also it gives more benefits to mankind than before.

1.1.2. another reason why we need techonology is that now the natural resource is on the verge of finishing which have been in center for our energy now we have to search diffirent approch with the help of technology.

2. how my idea cahnged

2.1. honestly , i used to think technology is like gaining a knowledge of different application`s.

2.1.1. however, its not gaining knowledege,its using your own intelectual to to invent different field of study to create system,eqquipment or machine which can be useful for humenkind. for example, now we have new system for nealy everything like AI, agriculutre, cvilization, transport, healthcare, etc... all this new application is result of technologial adavancment, this is making humen life esier day by day.

3. refrence

3.1. (1) Byington, C. 10 Innovations That Are Changing Conservation. Cool Green Science.,have%20until%20now%20been%20mysteries . (accessed 2025-01-18). ‌(1) Duffy, P. Environmental Technology | Impact of Technology on Environment. Edinburgh Sensors. (accessed 2025-01-18). ‌(3)Ross, L. 20 Agricultural Technologies & Advanced Methods Of Farming. ‌(4)(1)Wilkinson, F. Industrial Revolution and Technology. National Geographic. ‌

3.1.1. (1)Ross, L. 20 Agricultural Technologie & Advanced Methods Of Farming. ‌

4. what i used to think

4.1. i used to think that technology is one area of field where we learn about diffirent types of process and ways to make machinery

4.1.1. like we study different techonolgy cources to invent new something if we want to find some vaccine we have to learn biology if we want to purcue the art of buliding big skyscrapper we have to study civil engineering Example : BMW to Bring Battery Recycling System to North America(3) or if we care about nature and environment we have to go deep into agriculture,environmental and microbiology related technology field

5. what i think now

5.1. now i believe that Technology is the application of scientific knowledge, tools, and techniques in a specific area or field to solve problems, enhance productivity, and create innovative solutions that improve daily life or achieve specific goals.

5.1.1. specific area of field meant for diffirent field of problems which consider nature, enverionment and humen. for nature there has been so many advancement in the field of nature to make it better than before for example, Today, biologists employ a range of tracking technologies to gather more data and to track a wider range of creatures. Micro-tags are lightweight and allow even tiny critters to be safely tracked. Shad, Atlantic cod, mule deer, sea turtles: the movements of these and other wide-ranging, migratory species are being tracked and monitored. It allows conservation planners to track migrations that have until now been mysteries. than the enverionment, environmental advancement is growing os fast from the past centuries. for instance,The industrial revolution has brought about new technologies with immense power. This was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the period from about 1760 to 1840. This has been succeeded by continued industrialisation and further technological advancements in developed countries around the world, and the impact of this technology on the environment has included the misuse and damage of our natural earth. and most growinf field in technological advancement is humen need.In today`s world we have technologies that not even old sicentist had seen in their life, its true that we used there origins and procedures but we also made new additions which became more helpful for humen. the best example would be the light bulb, addition had thought that his dicovey of light and light blub would make significant imapct on world , but he had no idea that it will grow this much. we have even achived the use of light like digital screen which can be useful in so many places such as in civil engineering for making the 3d design.