Elements That Comprise Music Industry Career Development (Games and Film Composer)

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Elements That Comprise Music Industry Career Development (Games and Film Composer) by Mind Map: Elements That Comprise Music Industry Career Development (Games and Film Composer)

1. External

1.1. Networking and Collaboration

1.1.1. Game Design Conferences

1.1.2. Game Jams

1.1.3. Film Festivals

1.1.4. LinkedIn

1.2. Building Relationships

1.2.1. Making Friends

1.2.2. Industry Professionals and Contacts

1.3. Skill Development

1.3.1. Learning New Instruments

1.3.2. Continuing Music Theory Education

1.3.3. FMOD

1.3.4. Unity

1.3.5. Unreal Engine

1.3.6. Wwise

1.3.7. Pro Tools

1.3.8. Sound Design

1.4. On The Job Education

1.4.1. Internship

1.5. Building a Portfolio

1.5.1. Unity projects Composing for Unity Games

1.5.2. MODS

1.5.3. Stems

1.5.4. Website Showcase Work

1.5.5. Compositions in Diverse Genres

2. Internal

2.1. Self Awareness / Care

2.1.1. Meditation

2.1.2. Mental Health

2.1.3. Creativity

2.2. Image

2.2.1. Polishing public identity

2.3. Visualization

2.3.1. Manifestation through imagination

2.4. Setting Realistic Goals

2.4.1. Planning Short Term Medium Range Long Range

2.5. Establishing Values

2.5.1. Work Ethic

2.5.2. Kindness

2.5.3. Tolerance

2.6. Education

2.6.1. Berklee College of Music

2.6.2. Continued Education