Nursing Education and Staff Development

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Nursing Education and Staff Development by Mind Map: Nursing Education and Staff Development

1. Concepts in Nursing Education by Laura Phillips

2. Competencies and Standards

2.1. ensures patients are recieving safe, evidence based care

2.1.1. Joint Commission

2.1.2. Nurse Practice Act

3. Federal Regulation

3.1. The Joint Commission

3.1.1. Sets statndards for healthcare organizations across the US

3.2. NLN CNEA: 5 standards

3.2.1. 3 step process for program accrediation Pre-Accrediation Inital Accrediation Continuing accrediation

3.3. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)

3.3.1. steps for accrediation Program begins self study Self Study uploaded for review CCNE designates team for on-site review Self study and site reports reviewed by Accrediation Review committee Instution notifed of results, results made public on CCNE website

3.3.2. Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education 10 Domain of Nursing 8 Concepts for Nursing Practice 45 Competencies

4. Regional Accredation

4.1. NC State Board of Nursing: issues licenses, ensures university compliance with NCBON requirements

4.2. NC Nurse Practice Act: gives guidelines for safe nursing practice

5. Program Level Accredation

5.1. educators must ensure their courses cover required material and follow university guidelines

5.1.1. Faculty Rights and Responsibilites Governance Ownership Agreements Evaluation Mentorship Service Leadership

5.2. Program should be nationally accredited for students to want to attend

6. Current state of higher education

6.1. Negative

6.1.1. Shortage of faculty: qualified students turned away due to lack of educators

6.1.2. Expecation to have a doctorate degree

6.1.3. Expectation to gain tenure

6.1.4. Expectation to remain practicing in nursing specility as well as teaching

6.2. Positive

6.2.1. use of technology means lots of resources for educators

6.2.2. Focus on evidence based practice

7. National Leguage of Nursing Competencies for Educators

7.1. Facilitate Learning

7.2. Facilitate Learner Development and socilization

7.3. Use assessment and evaluation strategies

7.4. Participate in curriculum design and evaluation of program outcomes

7.5. Function as a change agent and leader

7.6. Pursue contiuous quality improvement in the nurse educator role

7.7. Engage in Scholarship

7.8. Function within the educational environment

8. Technology

8.1. Students have more ways of learning: high fidelity mannequins, online clinical simulations

8.2. Online education offers convience for students to learn at a distance and on their own time

8.3. Students must be prepared for real life nursing practice which uses more technology now: EMR, medication pixis, online communication with providers

9. Billings, D. & Halstead, J. (2024). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (7th ed.). Elsevier.