1. Definition according to me before reading Module
1.1. According to me Technology is a tool by which we can simplify our work.
1.1.1. Example- Mobile phones, computers
1.2. The use of technology is not limited to scientific area but it is involved in our day-to-day life chores.
1.2.1. Example- Television, mobile phones, calculators, watch.
2. Definition accoding to Module
2.1. It is a relationship between human mind and the machines used to complete a goal
2.1.1. Example- doing calculation on calculators
2.2. its more like use of theoretical knowledge into doing something practical.
2.2.1. Example- writing a program to run a robot
3. Definition according to me after reading Module
3.1. Technology is the key to make dreams into reality or it’s a way save our lives.
3.1.1. For example- X-Ray machines helps us to identify any fractures in bones, Spaceships are built to go other celestial bodies, Television and mobile phones are available to contact a person living on another continent, Smart boards and tools are used for student to help them studying a topic in a more connective way.
4. Why we need new Technology
4.1. We are surrounded by the devices and machines. To work more efficiently we need technology. It made life easy as one click.
4.1.1. Example- To stay connected with friends and families we need phones, to study we need Internet, to stay healthy need machines.
5. Bring in 4 (four) unique references from the course material
5.1. The American National Research Council (NRC) defined technology simply as including ‘all types of human–made systems and processes’ (2012: 11) Isman (2012) summarizes our views pretty well: "When people think of “technology,” they tend to think of human artifacts such as machines, electronic devices, scientific hardware, or industrial manufacturing systems. However, a formal definition (College Dictionary) of technology indicates that it has a more general meaning which includes any “practical application of knowledge” or “manner of accomplishing a task”."
5.1.1. "Human’s use of technology involves not only machines (e.g., computer hardware) and instruments, but also includes structured relations with other humans, machines, and the environment. In short, technology is more than a collection of machines and devices. To go beyond simplistic intuitions about technology requires investigation of the human mind and socio-cultural environment as well as interactions with technological artifacts" (Isman, 2012, 208)