HPC - Business Unit

HPC Brasil Unidades de Negócios

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HPC - Business Unit by Mind Map: HPC - Business Unit

1. SaaS

1.1. Biohacking.AI

1.1.1. Life Style

1.1.2. Screening

1.1.3. Telemedicine

1.1.4. Health Management

1.1.5. Follow-Up

1.2. Investment Advisor

1.3. Clube dos Hotéis

1.4. Social Data Tools

1.5. Samba Fitness

1.6. HPC ERP

2. Branding

2.1. HPC Brasil

2.2. Laercio Simoes

2.3. Mayara Santos

2.4. Tatiana Zardo

3. Proof of Concept

3.1. Cripto Futebol

3.2. My Transfer App

3.3. We Find Video

3.4. Compras Baratas

3.5. eClassificador

4. Learning

4.1. Mayara Santos

4.2. Tatiana Zardo

4.3. Laercio Simoes

4.3.1. Exponential Innovation

4.3.2. AI Médicos

4.3.3. PdD Research

5. Consulting

5.1. DxTech

5.2. CIMED

5.3. Texy

5.4. True Match

5.5. LF Leiloes