Solutions to Air Pollution in Different Countries

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Solutions to Air Pollution in Different Countries by Mind Map: Solutions to Air Pollution in Different Countries

1. Seoul, South Korea

1.1. Artificial Rain 🌧️

1.1.1. Reduce pollutant particles

1.2. Low-Emission Vehicles 🚗

1.2.1. Replaced with Natural Gas

1.3. Air Purifiers 💨

1.3.1. Air monitors and purifiers in classrooms

1.4. Factory operations 🏭

1.4.1. Reduction during some periods

2. Bogota, Colombia

2.1. Transition to electric bus

2.2. First public river transport system

2.2.1. The Magdalena River connects the country.

2.3. Transportation system using shared bicycles

2.3.1. 42 km and 11,000 registered users

2.4. The creation of Biodivercities Alliance for Better Air

2.4.1. Helps society to locate the sources of air pollution

3. Bangkok, Tailandia

3.1. Transition to electric cars

3.1.1. Transition to electric bus

3.1.2. Improve infrastructure for urban transportation

3.2. Green Areas

3.2.1. More green areas

3.2.2. Improve existing green areas

3.2.3. 10 square meters per person.

3.3. Strategies

3.3.1. Less traffic in cities

3.3.2. Greater number of trees and green areas

3.3.3. Reduction of cars that use fossil fuels

4. Acraa, Ghana

4.1. Switch to renewable energy.

4.1.1. Wind Plants

4.1.2. Solar Plants

4.1.3. Thermoelectric Plants

4.1.4. Hydroelectric Plants

4.2. Avoid Burning Garbage

4.2.1. Waste Burning

4.2.2. Garbage Burning

4.2.3. Controlled Agricultural Burning

4.3. Dangers in traditional Ghanaian cuisines

4.3.1. Education Campaigns

4.3.2. Low-Emission Cuisines

4.3.3. Other Alternatives

5. Warsaw, Poland

5.1. Better quality fuel and heating systems

5.1.1. Prohibited Stoves Boilers

5.1.2. Approved Natural gas Biomass

5.2. Incentives for renewable energy

5.2.1. Promotes Renewable energies Solar Wind

5.3. Decontamination plans

5.3.1. Air quality regulation

5.3.2. Vehicle emissions control

5.4. Air monitoring

5.4.1. Monitoring network Installation of sensors