Pre history

Prehistory UCR HIST 10

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Pre history by Mind Map: Pre history

1. Paul of Tarsus St.Paul

1.1. laid Groundwork in spreading Christianity laid a foundation for the religion’s later acceptance under Constantine’s rule (Milan Edict, 313 AD)

1.2. Paul’s theological influence contributed to a unified doctrine that Theodosius I would later enforce as the official state religion

1.3. Early Christianity Spreader

2. Visigoths

2.1. Orgins

2.1.1. Germanic Tribe Fleeing Huns Wander into Spain

2.2. Conflict with Rome

2.2.1. Battle of Adrianople Roman Army confront Defeat Romans

2.2.2. ran sack Romans looting and killing & capture Rome

2.2.3. Motivated other tribes to attack rome

2.3. Contribute to fall of Roman Empire

3. Sunni/Shi’ite Split

3.1. Sunni

3.1.1. Successors chosen by consensus.

3.2. Conflict

3.2.1. Started with Ali vs. Muawiya. Ali related Muawiya chosen

3.2.2. Battle of Siffin and Ali’s assassination.

3.3. Shi’ite

3.3.1. Successors must be descendants of Muhammad.

4. Muhammad

4.1. Jihad

4.1.1. religious justification Battle of YARMUK Muslims defeat Byzatines Holy War to spread Islam

4.2. Founded Islam

4.2.1. in Arabia

4.2.2. Message from Archangel Gabriel "you will reveal new and improved religion to the world"

4.3. Muslims: last prophet of God

5. La

6. Octavius Augustus

6.1. Battle of Actium

6.1.1. Naval Battle vs Mark Antony & Cleopatra

6.1.2. Egypt become a Province

6.1.3. Unchallened Ruler

6.2. Founder of Roman Empire

6.2.1. Pax Romana /Peace & Golden Era

6.2.2. Republic --> Empire

7. Constantine I

7.1. Milvian Bridge

7.1.1. Divine Vision of Flaming Cross

7.2. Constantinople

7.2.1. New Capitol of Roman Empire

7.2.2. Stragetic location Connects Asia & Europe

7.3. Milan Edict

7.3.1. LAW Religious Feedom Legalized Christianity

7.4. Rise to Power

7.4.1. Fought 6 generals

8. What were key factors in the spread of Islam during Muhammad’s time?

8.1. Victories in battles like Yarmuk

8.2. Concept of Jihad motivating expansion

8.3. Conversion efforts across the Arabian Peninsula.

8.4. What were key Muhammad’s leadership and teachings.

8.5. Unified tribes under a single religion.factors in the spread of Islam during Muhammad’s time?

9. How did Visigoths Cntribute to Roman Emprie Fall

9.1. Battle of Adrianople where roman army confront visigoth rebels, they were defeayed

9.2. insipire other tribes to invade roman territory

10. Over take capital of Rome ITALY 1st time in 800 years

11. Ummayads

11.1. Decendent of Sunni (Muawiya) after Ali assination

11.1.1. Establishes Dynastic Caliphate

11.2. Expand West defeating Byzantine (gate way to Europe)

11.2.1. Battle of Yarmuk

11.3. Overthrown in Abbasid Revolution

11.3.1. survival in Spain

12. Reasons

12.1. JIHAD

12.1.1. Expanasion Yarmuk

12.2. Unification

12.2.1. Muslims tribes

13. Abbasid

13.1. Descendents of Shi'ite Caliph

13.2. Capital in baghdad

13.2.1. Culural + intellectual hub Golden Age of Islam

13.3. diminish but retain Iraq

13.3.1. Overthrown

14. Seljuk Turks

14.1. Orgins

14.1.1. East Asia into Middle East Quickly Convert to Islam

14.2. Toghril Beg (Leader of the Seljuks)

14.2.1. Expsansion Alp Arslan Newphew of Toghril Beg Battle of Manzikert Defeat of Byzatines

14.2.2. Sparks Panic Expand to Central Asia, the Middle East and the Holy Lands

14.3. Hired as Fighters from Abbasid Empire

14.3.1. Rebel and overthrow AE

15. Crusades

15.1. Jerusalem

15.1.1. holy city for Christians, Muslims, and Jews

15.2. Military Campaign To Free Jerusalem

15.2.1. Against Muslim

15.2.2. 1st Crusade

15.2.3. 3rd Crusade

15.3. Catholic

15.3.1. Religious Duty

15.3.2. Promised frogiveness of Sins Holy War

15.3.3. Pope Urban II

15.4. Alexuis I

15.4.1. Byzantine Emperor

16. Theodosius I

16.1. Officially declared Christianity the state religion in 391 AD.

16.1.1. Last emperor of unified Rome