Components of CT

Summarizing Components of the CT scanner in 3 divisions

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Components of CT by Mind Map: Components of CT

1. Scanner Gantry

1.1. Patient table and functions

1.1.1. Beam width axis (collimation)

1.1.2. Moving couch

1.1.3. Centering scanner/patient

1.2. Xray tube

1.2.1. High voltage generator

1.3. Detector array (rows/slices)

1.3.1. Converts electric signal to analog

2. Data Aquisition System

2.1. Measures electric signal from detectors and converts Analog to Digital

2.1.1. ADC

2.2. Transmits raw data (binary unprocessed data) to computer

2.2.1. Outputs

3. Operators console

3.1. Computer Monitor

3.1.1. Patient ID selector

3.1.2. Setting and selecting protocol parameters

3.1.3. Initiaging scan Setting scan boundaries

3.1.4. Viewing image data Processing Sending Archiving PACS