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Influences by Mind Map: Influences

1. Religion

1.1. God

1.1.1. Mental clarity

1.1.2. Guidence through life

1.2. Church

1.2.1. Building in spiritual health

1.2.2. A community with fellow believers

1.3. Bible

1.3.1. Seeing what advice/lessons God has in the Bible

1.3.2. Reading about similar problems in the Bible and how they were addressed.

1.4. Music

1.4.1. Alternate way to spend time with God

1.4.2. Hearing personal testimonies through music

2. Fitness

2.1. Gym

2.1.1. Overall physical health

2.1.2. Strengthing my physical and mental

2.2. Running

2.2.1. Running clears my mind

2.2.2. Helps me process whatever is going on in my life.

2.3. Walking

2.3.1. Alternate option for clearing my mind

2.3.2. Fresh air, looking at God's creations

2.4. Basketball

2.4.1. Building a community with others who play sports.

2.4.2. Another outlet for clearing my mind

3. True Crime

3.1. Documentaries/ TV shows

3.1.1. New perspectives

3.1.2. Critical thinking

3.2. Books/ Literature

3.2.1. Informational

3.2.2. insights into criminal behavior

3.3. Career aspirations

3.3.1. Becoming a CSI

3.3.2. Becoming a Forensic technician

3.4. Real life cases

3.4.1. Raises awareness for overlooked cases

3.4.2. Motivation to contribute solutions on how to minimize crimes

4. Social media

4.1. Youtube

4.1.1. Content creators who talk about how to improvelifestyle

4.1.2. Learning new skills

4.2. Pinterest

4.2.1. Setting a vision board to visualize my goals

4.2.2. Inspiration in every aspect

4.3. Tiktok

4.3.1. Entertainment

4.3.2. Informative about life hacks and what is going on in the world

4.4. Instagram

4.4.1. Keeping in touch with friends

4.4.2. Seeing different lifestyles and perceptions

5. Family

5.1. Parents

5.1.1. Positive role models

5.1.2. Giving me guidence to guide me through life

5.2. Brother

5.2.1. Someone who is always there for me no matter what

5.2.2. Positive competitive dynamics

5.3. Values

5.3.1. Teaching me how to treat others

5.3.2. Put God first in everything I do

5.4. Traditions

5.4.1. Coming together for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas

5.4.2. Playing basketball, dominos, or going on walks together

6. Friends

6.1. Emotional support

6.1.1. Someone who is there for you through good and bad times

6.1.2. Positive affirmations to support your goals

6.2. Shared interests

6.2.1. Passions such as basketball or running could help it be more fun

6.2.2. A community is built when both enjoy the activity

6.3. Motivation

6.3.1. Can help hold me accountable to accomplish my goals

6.3.2. Challenges you to be the best you can

6.4. Perspectives

6.4.1. Solve the problem a different way

6.4.2. Broaden my worldview