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dunnes 2025 by Mind Map: dunnes 2025

1. castle bar

1.1. copy of bandon road food

1.2. flagship of the north

1.3. ceiling over F&V to take out

1.4. all the brands full as in bandon road

1.5. to be the clear alternative to tesco and aldi

1.6. full service fresh department

1.7. to buy the other building for offices and BOH

1.8. second entrance from behind

1.9. decke wie bandon road

1.10. konzept möbel patrick street textile

1.11. licht wie bandon road

2. Monktown

2.1. only service with the brands

2.2. just additional shelving

2.3. i want dunnes unique products

2.4. i am not spar at the end of the street

2.5. a few signiture dishes like in patrick

2.6. i am dunnes premium

2.6.1. we show what we can do

2.6.2. we destress CC

2.6.3. on the shelves mostly simply better

2.6.4. we could call it simply better

2.7. same prices as in CC

2.7.1. but only the products with the highest margin migros märt bahnhof principle

2.8. it is a brand statement

2.8.1. without changing the prices

2.9. we first position all the brands and then we integrate some shelving

2.10. brands + simply better + wine (less beer and liquor

2.11. Dunnes The Store

3. ilac

3.1. fish+sheridan+nourish+B&G out

3.2. bringing in Dunnes Butcher / Dunnes Cheese / Dunnes Fish /

3.2.1. all self service according to the SS conzept developed for henry street

3.3. bringing B&G convenience SS

4. foylesite

4.1. the new fashion experience

4.1.1. brands

4.1.2. beauty

4.1.3. beauty cafe

4.1.4. accessoiries

4.2. the main range as an extra

4.3. a fashion statement in the north

4.4. biggest fashion store in ireland

4.5. how to correct dundrum

4.6. younger customer

4.7. who is my competitor in that center

4.8. corso como concept store

4.9. competitors are H+M / M+S / Mango /river island in fashion

4.10. in beauty: Boots / perfume shop / rituals /the body shop

4.11. who is my competitor in that center

4.12. cafe sol at the entrance 2nd floor

4.13. ceiling and lighting as in patrick street textile

5. henry street

5.1. copy of patrick street

5.2. more seating as in Patrick

5.3. so eating 4th floor and basement and cafe sol at the ground floor

5.4. signiture offers as in patrick street