School Improvement Mindmap
by Hillary Harper
1. Communication Plan
1.1. Parent, Student, Teacher, and Steakholder Survey of Lesson Effectiveness
1.2. Monthly Newsletter Suggestions to Reinforce SEL Topics
1.3. Monthly Newsletter Announcement of Community Mental Health Events
2. Collaboration Plan
2.1. Monthly Collaboration of All Teachers at Each School
2.2. Bi-Monthly Virtual Meetings for the SEL Team
3. Budget Needs
3.1. Curriculum Development $8,000
3.2. Professional Development $2,580
3.3. Materials $5,000
3.4. Family and Community Envolvment $5,500
4. Targeted Area of Improvement
4.1. Deaf and Blind Students (D/B)
4.2. H.L. Sonny Callahan School for the Deaf and Blind, and students mainstreamed into its two feederpatern schools (middle,high).
4.3. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
4.4. Staff Education on D/B culture and needs.
5. Communication Plan
5.1. Kickoff Meeting
5.2. Monthly Newsletters
6. Feeder Schools Inclusion Plan
6.1. Create a SEL Team consisting of D/B teachers from each school
7. Data & Stakeholders
7.1. Publish Data in Monthly Newsletters
7.2. Collect Data from Pre/Post Lesson Student Reflections
7.3. Collect Data from Teacher Weekly SEL Assessments
8. Professional Development
8.1. D/B Cultural Awareness
8.2. D/B Education Modifications
8.3. D/B Trauma Informed Training
8.4. SEL Assessment Training