1. Checkout
1.1. Intent solution.
1.2. Mobile SDK
1.3. Embedded mode.
1.4. Tips offering
1.4.1. Configured by merchant.
1.4.2. Chips Options (5% 10% etc.) and/or (50 SAR - 100 SAR etc.)
1.5. Customer data
1.5.1. Contact details.
1.5.2. Personal info (gender, DOB, etc.) configured by merchant.
1.6. Shipping
1.6.1. Shipping info(collect from customer.)
1.6.2. Select a shipping method.
1.7. Tap Customer
1.7.1. Login and Signup as a Tap customer.
1.7.2. Whenever checkout opens for any merchant on same browser. I'm logged in with my cards.
1.7.3. Cashback and points for Tap customers.
1.8. Copoun codes
1.8.1. Configured by merchant to enable customer to enter a copoun code.
1.8.2. Validates the copoun code from merchant webhook.
1.8.3. Same as ApplePay copoun code.
1.9. Merchant Card based offers
1.9.1. Display chips saying pay with ABK card to get XX%.
1.9.2. Offers configured by merchant.
1.9.3. We pass BIN details and he responds with offer id to enable.
1.10. Donate the change
1.10.1. Configurable by merchant.
1.10.2. Popup to ask customer to round up and donate to organization X.
1.11. Allow partials
1.11.1. Configurable by merchant to allow accepting partial amounts.
1.11.2. Display a percentage of paid amount in checkout.
1.11.3. Split payments Customer can split over to other payers.
1.12. Minimize redirections for APMs
1.12.1. All APMs works in iFrame should be embedded like DEEMA, TABBY, PAYPAL etc.
1.13. Tap FIDO
1.13.1. Have our Tap PassKey setup.
1.13.2. Used when paying with a saved card.
1.13.3. Used to login as a Tap customer.
1.14. Multilanguage support
1.14.1. AI translate.
1.15. Gallery for an item
1.15.1. Merchant can pass pictures or videos for the items in cart.
1.15.2. Customer can traverse these while checking out.
1.16. Rate solution
1.16.1. Ask customers to Rate checkout experience
1.16.2. Ask customers to Rate the merchant
1.17. Upselling
1.17.1. Merchant can pass items to upsell for customer.
1.17.2. Customer can add from them to the cart.
1.18. Tap partnerships offers
1.18.1. Display Tap based offers. For example pay with ApplePay for X%.
1.18.2. Loyalty points with 3rd parties payments.
1.19. Propose linked-brands for the same organization customer
1.19.1. Like slack, when added in a channel, it tells you people added to this channel tend to join X & Y.
1.19.2. After customer checksout, propose most likely merchants he would be interested in.
1.20. Theme customization
1.20.1. Background support static options, video/image uploaded by merchant
1.20.2. Checkout main color customization
1.21. Gift option
1.21.1. We can do gift option on behalf of the merchant.
1.21.2. Collect reciepent contact and shipping details.
1.21.3. Allow gift cards filling.
1.22. A/B Testing
1.22.1. To control features and/or UI to some of the customers.
2. Card
2.1. Embedded Authentication
2.2. Theme customization
2.2.1. Background color.
2.2.2. Font color.
2.3. Device tokenization
2.3.1. Show chips for device wallets to tokenize ApplePay GooglePay SamsungPay
2.4. Scheme tokenization wallets
2.4.1. Show chips for tokenizable wallets. Click2Pay
2.5. Allow three lines mode
2.5.1. Crad number
2.5.2. Expiry & CVV
2.5.3. Name
2.6. Luxury Feature - Web card scanning
2.7. Run time changes
2.7.1. Currency
2.7.2. Allowed schemes
3. Pay button
3.1. Multiple buttons
3.2. Size control
3.3. Web embedded redirections (DEEMA, C2P, Paypal, etc.)
4. SDK Profile
4.1. Payment options
4.1.1. Filters Countries Regions Flow
4.1.2. Ordering Sort payment options chips
4.2. Profile id
4.2.1. Per operator <> Domain
4.2.2. Per country
4.2.3. Per transaction
4.3. Theme
4.3.1. Control on elements colors
4.3.2. Provide theme templates
4.3.3. Control on font colors
4.3.4. Control on powered by tap
4.4. Items
4.4.1. Upsell Ability to pass upsell items
4.4.2. Rich items Pictures, videos
4.5. Checkout experience
4.5.1. Customer data collection
4.5.2. Shipping data collection
4.5.3. Shipping methods
4.5.4. Copoun codes
4.5.5. Donations