Uni's Requirements

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Uni's Requirements by Mind Map: Uni's Requirements

1. Dartmouth University

1.1. Formal

1.1.1. COMMON

1.2. Informal

1.2.1. They look for students who take challenging classes and succeed in them. The admissions office is looking for specific traits, but they are broad.

2. New York University

2.1. Formal

2.1.1. COMMON

2.2. Informal

2.2.1. Our students are part of a community of young, passionate artists who grow together, support each other & succeed together. Our credo is learning by doing. Students are actively creating work and encouraged to take risks as they discover their own individual voices.

3. Dickinson College

3.1. Formal

3.1.1. COMMON

3.2. Informal

3.2.1. We are seeking talented students with: 1. strong academic achievements as evidenced by success in the classroom 2. a commitment to making a positive impact on the wider world and serving the common good 3. an interest in a globally focused education and/or a passion for sustainability 4. a desire to be part of a close-knit, hands-on community

4. Brown University

4.1. Formal

4.1.1. COMMON

4.2. Informal

4.2.1. We look for intelligent, highly motivated students from all walks of life who may come from diverse backgrounds and cultural heritages, who represent different academic and extracurricular interests, and who bring a spectrum of ideologies to Brown.


5.1. 1. Common Application или University Application Form 2. Two Teacher Recommendations 3. School Counselor Recommendation 4. High School Transcript 5. Mid-Year or Final Transcript 6. Personal Statement или Common App Essay 7. Standardized Test Scores (SAT) 8. Application Fee или Fee Waiver 9. Supplemental Essays 10. Resume or Activity List 11.Interview ( if asked for) 12. English Proficiency Test Scores (TOEFL/IELTS)

6. Occidental College

6.1. Formal

6.1.1. COMMON

6.2. Informal

6.2.1. We work together and collaborate with the Oxy community as we strive to Be Proactive and Progressive, Display Openness and Accessibility, and Deliver Excellence.